1962 Evinrude 40 hp oil leak /no power


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 17, 2003
Re: 1962 Evinrude 40 hp oil leak /no power

Metal "hunks" in the gearcase are not good at all. You need to figure out where they came from. Inspect the gears like a forensic scientist searching for microscopic evidence. Look over everything in that gearcase. Metal "hunks" can't get past the seals, even if the seals leak water, so those hunks came from inside the case. Put a magnet to the hunks and see if they're steel or aluminun.<br />The new seal kit should fix the milky oil problem. Follow the manual closely and if you need to search this forun for "gearcase seal kit" or something similar. Tons of good advice.<br />Little springs usually come from carburators. Look yours over closely. There's a spring that holds the roller tight to the cam plate on the armeture; it has a spring portion between to straight wire portions, loops on both ends. There are also springs on the vertical wire job that runs up to the pull-start. Oh yeah; another spring on the rear of the pull-start that holds the guard that's always in the way. You had all this stuff apart when you pulled the flywheel.


Jan 1, 2005
Re: 1962 Evinrude 40 hp oil leak /no power

The metal chunks are steel, looks like it could have been a snap ring at one time. The snap ring on the prop shaft is intact. Can't imagin where else it could have come from. I'm thinking it could have been left over from an old repair. <br /><br />I got the seal kit today, so I'll install it along with the impeller. I found some more "extra" parts when I pulled the rear cover, a spring and a quarter size concave piece of metal, it's stamped "Evinrude" with a part # on it. Where does it go? <br /><br />By the time I get my repair manual I'll have this thing completly overhauled. Thanks


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 17, 2003
Re: 1962 Evinrude 40 hp oil leak /no power

The little quarter-size concave piece is just a cover for the freeze plug (at least I've heard it referred to as a freeze plug). You'll find a circular area on the block that it pops right into. Pop it in and give it a tap with a hammer to spread it a bit and it'll stay in nice. That number on it is the serial number of your motor.<br />Another spring! If you can find a way to post a picture of the two mystery springs there are folks on this board that will recognize them. Some folks know about every dohickey there is on a Big Twin.<br />Seriously inspect the gears. Loose chunks of steel churning around in your gearcase are not at all good. If you can post a pic of the mystery "hunks" that would be a very good thing too.


Jan 1, 2005
Re: 1962 Evinrude 40 hp oil leak /no power

Ok here's some pictures. This is my first try at posting pictures so let's see what happens. The first mystery spring.
The metal pieces found in the bottom of the gear box.
The spring on the left was in the bottom of the boat when I bought it, the spring on the right was found on the shop floor.
Looks like a snap ring or something is suppose to be in there someplace, also note the heavy wear on the shift fork slider.
<br /><br />Also, I need all the bearings that go on the vertical drive shaft. I took the part numbers off the old stuff but my auto parts guy said they don't crossover. They are 313284 seal, BR1012 bearing, BH 1412 bearing, A-TNA-5204-FNA. You guys have better part #'s I can use? Thanks


Jan 1, 2005
Re: 1962 Evinrude 40 hp oil leak /no power

I'm at a complete stand still becouse of parts. I need the above bearings and seals. I need to ID the the chewed up part in the above picture and get it ordered. My local dealer does not like "wasting his time" on these older motors. I need to find an exploded view of the prop shaft assy. Any on line sources for parts? Thanks


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 17, 2003
Re: 1962 Evinrude 40 hp oil leak /no power

Here's a 1968:<br /> http://ishopmarine.com/ishop/jsp/As...~A0000022~M0011904~M0011923~M0011942~C0310011 <br /><br />Use the Parts Search feature of iShopMarine to see more exploded views. Only goes back to 1968 though. Also search eBay under "1962 johnson catalog" and you will find one for your motor. I just did it and found plenty for about $10. These are not service manuals - they are original parts catalogs with exploded views of all the major components and give all the parts numbers. Very handy.<br />Many older OMC parts are available online from iShop. Seals and other "consumables" are easy and can be ordered right here on iBoats in kits. Order from iBoats if you can, they host this board and deserve the business. Unfortunately many non-consumables are discontinued by Bomby and can't be ordered. Anywhere. Either a dealer has some in the back storeroom or they don't. They can't get 'em. I'm also kinda discouraged with iShop right now because I've been waiting for an order since late May. Usually they're quicker than that! eBay is another source for parts but you gotta be philosophical and sceptical. eBay is full of lower units that people are unloading because they are worn out/broken/etc. I've gotten terrific deals and I've gotten burned.<br />Someone will be along to identify the springs & metal fragments. They may have more advice on parts, too.


Jan 1, 2005
Re: 1962 Evinrude 40 hp oil leak /no power

I checked out Ishopmarine yesterday but was reluctant to order the parts as I have a 1962. The pictures of the 68 look very close to what I have. This is what I think the ground up parts are....If you look at the picture I posted of my clutch shift dog, there are no thrust washers on either side. In the exploded parts view in the link you posted it shows a washer on each side. If the 62 is like the 68 I think these are the missing parts from my assy. <br /><br />I ordered my manuals last week on Ebay. <br /><br />Thanks for your time.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 17, 2003
Re: 1962 Evinrude 40 hp oil leak /no power

My 1963 is an eletramatic so my parts catalog doesn't have the proper part numbers for your manual shift. Once you get the 1962 manual shift parts catalog you can punch the part numbers into iShop's part finder and if they've got them, or if they've been superceded by something they've got, they'll come up. I ordered a buncha stuff for the '63 that way. Still waiting, though!