Re: 1959 Starcraft - About to start restoration
Re: 1959 Starcraft - About to start restoration

Before and afters of my 65 Mckenzie Cherokee.It had been sitting in a guys backyard since 1993 flood. I paid him the $100 he wanted. Hope this helps motivate you/your son!:joyous:
I bet yours is a late 50's model, judging by the controls, steering wheel and the fact it has a bare floor, similar to my 1959 Starcraft. Yours is a real beauty! Considering how easy it is to clean these up(given their spartan-like design) it would certainly be worth the effort to clean it up. That steering wheel alone is way cool. If I recall correctly, there is only a small amount of info on the web about McKenzie Manufacturing. I believe they were in Tennessee. Mine has the original Aquabird steering wheel, Nautalloy lights and cleats, all designed by immigrant named Tom Faul. I love his designs and if you google his name you can read his story and see a catalog featuring his designs.
I have only seen one brochure on McKenzie Boats on e-bay. It was from 1966 and I bought it as the boats were very similar to my 1965. Not sure how to add it to this forums brochure list as it is quite large. Gonna have to stop talking about Mkenzies in this Starcraft post:lol:
Too cold to get any work done on the Starcraft today.