With all the advice I have received over the last couple of months the motor is running great. I have one small problem/question. I put a ignition switch on it that is supposed to shut the motor down by connecting each set of points together which I understands grounds them out and kills the spark. Only problem is that the motor keeps on ruinning and I have to choke the motor to shut it down which is no problem except that I want to put a kill switch on it that my grandkids have to connect to their pfd . What I did was put in a new wire from the upper cylinder points and then picked up the wire coming from the bottom cylinder to the vacuum cutout switch. Then connected them to each of the wires marked m on the ignition switch. The ignition switch works correctly in that when the switch goes to off the two wires form a loop and because each is connected to the separate wires coming from the points there is a loop that should ground the points out..correct??? Can I just attach a wire going to the engine ground and when the loop is created it will definitely shut the engine down? Is there a possibility that I could short out a coil or something? Thanks, cliff