130 v4 oil tank refilling point


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Feb 14, 2009
I want to run my 2001 130 v4 on a 6 gallon tank of pre mix fuel before using the main tank in the boat. I placed a mark at the current level in the engine tank (after letting it fill from the on boat sub tank) I want to go through maybe 3 gal of the 6 gal tank and then lift the hood off and see if the oil tank on the engine level dropped. Anyone know how low that main tank on the engine will go down before tripping the sub tank to refill it? Just want to make sure oil system is working OK before switching to just straight fuel from the boat built in tank. Maybe someone knows how far down the main tank drops before it's refilled? Just don't want to be fooled thinking it's not working if I ran too far on the 6 gal tank and it refills itself. I hope this made sense


Fleet Admiral
Sep 7, 2008
simple to start draining the tank slowly and see when it refills

but I would think your service manual for your motor would tell you about how far it would move to set the switch