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  1. alloffroad

    1980's gamefisher 7.5 hp trim/tilt

    What is used for the trim/tilt on this motor? I see the holes for some sort of pin but mine doesn't have anything as far as mechanism.
  2. alloffroad

    Gamefisher 7.5 too much air

    Older thread that i started but no sense in starting a new one. Just an update. The motor runs great now. It sat all winter with sta-bil in it. I'll take it. Idles, accelerates and runs at top speed just fine. I messed with the air mixture screw and idle screw a bit. I changed the lower gear...
  3. alloffroad

    Lehr 5 hp piston rings

    I found a 5 hp lehr for a low price but it needs piston rings. Current owner says low compression and blow by. I have pretty good mechanic skills but i have never messed with propane burning engins. Would i need any special tool or knowledge or is this a straight forward job. Thank you for any info.
  4. alloffroad

    Sears eska gamefisher reed question

    That is what i am doing. Hence the question!
  5. alloffroad

    Sears eska gamefisher reed question

    I have looked at them. Admittedly i don't fully understand the 2 stroke engine process or what the reeds purpose is but they are not broken or damaged. I just don't know if they will wear out over time.
  6. alloffroad

    Sears eska gamefisher reed question

    Replaced the spark plug, new fuel lines, fresh fuel. It runs ok but sputters a bit on acceleration till top speed is attained then smooths out.
  7. alloffroad

    Sears eska gamefisher reed question

    Model is 217-585932. 7.5 hp gamefisher. How would i find new reeds for it. I may not have to replace them but i want to fine tune it. I rebuilt the carb, it runs fairly good but i am sure it will run better. Thanks everybody.
  8. alloffroad

    Gamefisher 7.5 too much air

    Awesome news. Thank you very very much for your guidance brim. I feel much better about this little motor. Now the only problem is....water. we're about dry here in northern California. :cool:
  9. alloffroad

    Gamefisher 7.5 too much air

    Well...with that maybe it's as good as it's gonna get. How about the compression. Is that 90-95 psi ok?
  10. alloffroad

    Gamefisher 7.5 too much air

    It is definitely slow on the upswing to higher rpms. Once there it runs pretty good but not very fast on acceleration. Any thoughts?
  11. alloffroad

    Gamefisher 7.5 too much air

    Upon further inspection the orange pump bladder was at 9 & 3. I rotated to 45⁰, adjusted the float slightly and reassembled. It seems to be running ok. A bit rough at high speed by much better
  12. alloffroad

    Gamefisher 7.5 too much air

    Compression is 95 psi dry. 100 psi after a table spoon of 10-30 motor oil
  13. alloffroad

    Gamefisher 7.5 too much air

    The built in tank has a new filter.
  14. alloffroad

    Gamefisher 7.5 too much air

    I am using an external tank. I will try the built in tank to see if i get a better result. It has excellent compression although i dont remember the number but i will rerun that today and post it here. Spark is good and strong. Thank you again.
  15. alloffroad

    Gamefisher 7.5 too much air

    Yes. The orange pump is new and situated at 2 o'clock
  16. alloffroad

    Gamefisher 7.5 too much air

    Also the bolt holding the bowl on is not adjustable.
  17. alloffroad

    Gamefisher 7.5 too much air

    Well to be honest... all looks good. The motor sat for a while before i got it. The carb was a little dirty in that i mean white powder and some varnish. I'm not an expert with 2 strokes but the reeds seem good. Not broken and still flexable. I rebuilt it so all the gaskets, pump, and needle...
  18. alloffroad

    Gamefisher 7.5 too much air

    My 1980 gamefisher 7.5 hp with eska carb won't run at high speed unless the choke is half closed. I've adjusted the air/fuel screw from all the way in to all the way out, 1/4 turn at a time and it will idle good with it almost all the way out but no go at hi speed, or any throttle at all. It...
  19. alloffroad

    Wood for bulkheads

    I have a 12' aluminum seaking with a semi v hull. As you know, that v is mighty uncomfortable on the feet and ankles as well as inconvenient for tackle boxes and ice chests. I am gonna put a floor in it but I'm not sure what type of wood, prepping and proper hardware for the supports and...
  20. alloffroad

    1980 7.5 hp gamefisher carburetor schematics

    Yes. I found a throttle stop screw on ebay. I'll have it Thursday this week. Only $2 so i got it. Hoping it's the one.