Search results

  1. P

    Epoxy Paint - Canadian Suppliers/Retailers/Distributors

    Hi guys....<br /><br />I don't know how many of you may be in Canada but I was wondering if some of you might have some information about where to get stuff.<br /><br />I am trying to figure out if/where you can get 1-part Epoxy paint here in Canada. I am talking about stuff like...
  2. P

    Bearing Buddy - Canadian Distributors

    Hi guys....<br /><br />I don't know how many of you may be in Canada but I was wondering if some of you might have some information about where to get stuff.<br /><br />I am trying to figure out if/where you can get Bearing Buddy bearing protectors for your trailer hubs in Canada. I just want to...
  3. P

    Sink Or Swim

    Well, as reading here prepared me for, there is always something MORE wrong than just what you think you need to fix.<br /><br />Although I was not able to make it visibly flex pushing on the outboard, the inside of the transom of our Charger has a very flaky section. I found it after removing...
  4. P


    Finally picked up the new boat (69 Chrysler Charger 151 Hydro-Vee) and moved it here today. I found that the previous owner had made new boxes for the bases of the seats but had not bothered to bolt them down. I moved out all the seats and pulled up all the carpet and checked out the floor which...
  5. P

    Chrysler Charger

    Well, I am about to be the proud owner of (well I guess I technically already am, I just am picking it up tomorrow) of what I believe is a 1969 Charger 151 Runabout with a 1969 70 HP Chrysler engine.<br /><br />I've searched around and can't find a lot about these boats other than brochures at...