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  1. D

    Amateur hour transom rebuild question

    Replying to my own post. Got a reply back from Arjay support and they said "We recommend glassing over first but can’t say I have seen a repaired that they faired over instead. May learn something new on this. Let me know if you test fairing. " So glassing over it is I guess. :) I have...
  2. D

    Amateur hour transom rebuild question

    I've just rebuilt the transom from the outside on my 78 StarCraft American to the best of my ability using Arjay 6011 (aka carbon core). I had intended on "cheating" and hogging out the core and just pouring in but after I got into it, it was obvious that was not going to work so I wound up...
  3. D

    78 StarCraft American Transom Rebuild. There's no way cap is epoxy right???

    Thanks Matt, I hear what you are saying on the stringers. The transom plywood was wet for sure but not nearly as far gone as I was expecting The deck is SOILD. The middle stringer which I can see from the bilge is also solid. Upon drilling an inspection hole in the deck behind the transom I...
  4. D

    78 StarCraft American Transom Rebuild. There's no way cap is epoxy right???

    Hi all, I'm venturing on replacing the transom in my 78' StarCraft American. I've hogged out the middle section of transom from the top and getting at the wings from the inside. The large splash well makes full access from inside impractical or even impossible without lifting the cap which not...