Search results

  1. K

    Plum tree not doing well

    I bought a Santa Rosa? plum tree from Walmart about a month ago. It was scrawny, had few leaves left, and didn't look very healthy. I paid $10.00 for it, so I wasn't too concerned about the likelyhood of it dying. (Plus it's gauranteed for a year). I planted it according to the instructions...
  2. K

    Sinus pressure/headaches alt relief

    I have been plauged with sinus pressure and sinus headaches for the last 10 years. It pretty much started when I was living in Virginia, and has continued with my move to Vegas, then Ca, then back again to Vegas. I've always tried to just deal with it, (don't like pounding down the drugs by the...
  3. K

    I have a job interview today.

    The funny thing is, I almost hope I don't get it. I'm not very excited about the position, and it doesn't pay well anyway. But I need something to keep my savings in the savings account and not in my creditors pocket! It's just a stepping stone, but hey, it's a start. Wish me luck!
  4. K


    Hey folks,<br />Man, it seems like a long time since I last posted. I've been pretty busy, I am working as a realtor now and the training I am recieving is a massive amount for me. I have classes in the morning and classes in the afternoon. In the meantime I need to be working on gathering...
  5. K

    Semi Goodbye.

    Hey fellas, things have been busy for me lately. I have started a new career, and am going through a ton of training. I also need to find time to actualy go out and get clients, as my paycheck is 100% commision.(no salary) I'll still lurk when I can, I just don't have time to post here...
  6. K

    Did Iraq have WMD?

    Interesting article about tapes of Saddam here.<br /><br /> <br /><br /><br /> We all know that Saddam was bluffing, and Bush lied so he could kill inocents for oil. Or wanted to start another crusade to appease his racist far right base, or something like...
  7. K

    Straw ballot? <br /><br /> Can someone explain this to me? I'm confused. I thought presidents were limited to 2 terms. Why would Mccain ask people to vote for Bush instead of him? Is it a symbolc show of suport for bush? I think I must be missing something obvious here...
  8. K

    New Services refference forum?

    I'm not sure what the procedures are for requesting or suggestng a new forum, but I was wondering...<br /> What do you guys think about creating a new forum where you could post your(non iboats competetive, of course) particular business or sevice area? I guess this would apply mostly to...
  9. K

    This is pathetic <br /><br /> All involved knowingly in this scam ought to be shot. Thats just pathetic.
  10. K

    1990 force 90hp lower unit leaking oil

    Hey folks,<br />I just noticed a pool of oil underneath my outboard. It looks like it came from the propeller area. The boat has been sitting in the garage for the last 3 weeks. I have been feeling under the weather, and this was the first time I have been in the garage since I took the boat out...
  11. K

    Nasty bug

    Hey folks, I was wondering what kind of "creeping crud" is going around your areas. I have been sick for about 3 weeks, and the symptoms are mild cough with mild bronchitis. My wife has had the same thing for over a month, same symptoms but more severe. My 3 kids have been sick for some time as...
  12. K

    Hotmail virus?

    Hey folks, something weird is going on with my hotmail acount. It won't let me delete my mail! I selected 19 emails I wanted to delete, then hit the delete button. I noticed some went away, but not all 19. I selected the ones that didn't disapear and deleted those. Some of them went away, but...
  13. K

    Beginer bass tips?

    Hey folks, I'm gonna be taking my son and his 5th grade teacher fishing next weekend. I plan on getting on the water around 3pm. I thought we'd do some bass fishing in the evening and then switch over to catfishing after dark. I have only bass fished 2 or 3 times in my life, and need some...
  14. K

    My troll for the day

    I might as well go ahead and post my own troll. :D <br /><br /> I have inside info that the liberals are planning to change the Pledge of allegiance. Here are the proposed changes.<br /><br /> I pledge allegiance to the flag of the Peoples Republic of Amerika, and to self-indulgence for...
  15. K

    Guide posts

    Hey folks,<br />I've been looking for some guide ons for my 1990 escort trailer. (bunks, not rollers) Where can I buy them at? I don't want to order anything off the net unless I have to. <br /><br /> I have a galvanised trailer and the boat is wider than than the trailer by a good foot or two...
  16. K

    School camping trip

    Hey folks, give me your oppinion on this. I need to know if I'm being too protective or if you agree with my view.<br /> I just found out from my wife that my kids 6th grade class is planning a 4 day camping trip to mt. Shasta. It is to be co-ed, but seperate sleeping quarters for the boys and...
  17. K


    Ok, got the boat running, got the lights at night thing figgerd :) out, now I need to work on an anchor. I have an 18 ft bowrider and will be fishing on inland lakes. What kinda anchor do I get, how heavy, and how do you use it? Just drop it down or is there a particular way to set it.<br />TIA
  18. K

    Lights on at night?

    Hey fellas,<br />Can you leave your bow and stern lights on all night without draining your battery? Just wondering what people generaly do. <br /> When I go catfishing I like to stay out from dusk to about 2 or 3 am. I don't want to leave my motor running all that time, and I'm afraid of...
  19. K

    Is this a good boat/price?

    Hey folks, I have been looking to upgrade my bayliner 18 ft bowrider. I found a 1998 21 ft crownline 210 ccr cuddy cabin with a mercury I/O v-8 for $16,995.<br /><br /> It's offered by a marina, I saw the advert in the paper. I looked at the boat yesterday, but couldn't look too closely because...
  20. K

    How to partition a Fujitsu lifebook harddrive?

    As some of you know, I decided to go with a dual boot windows/linux system. I have a fujitsu lifebook, which comes with windows xp home. The only disks that came with the laptop,(purchased new from fry's electronics) are a recovery disk and additional software disks. I have no option on the...