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  1. F


    Noticed yesterday that my wot was 5000 rpm. on my 94 225 yam. 2 stroke. I believe this is low but it runs good. Should I see higher or leave it alone. Carb plates are fully open.
  2. F

    Checking Carbs

    93 225TLRR I 've been chasing a miss at idle. Really not a miss but a cyl not firing or receiving fuel. Compression is OK. I'm getting spark on all 6 cyl. Pumping the fuel blub does not help. It pumps up tight. All fuel bowls have fuel. I have removed the carbs once and checked all jets and...
  3. F

    Manual wrong??

    93 225TLRR I'm really confused. My Seloc book says disconnect #1 & #2 accel links from ball joints. Disconnect link joint and adjust the accelerator link to 5.571" center to center. A few steps down it says to adjust length of accelerator link to 1.97" I'm guessing that the accelerator links...
  4. F

    What does it do??

    On a 93 225TLRR there is a "Fuel Feed Assy" in-line right after the motor mounted fuel filter. What does it do? I'm chasing a missing problem and have eliminated ignition and compression. Compression is 120 on 4 cyl and 115 on 2 cyl so I figure that's good. I'm down to fuel now. Thanks
  5. F

    unburned oil with muffs

    93 225TLRR Had to replace WP and also replaced the pressure relief valve. In the process stripped 1 screw on the PRV. I retapped to 7 MM and it went OK. I had to remove the CDI to get to the bolt hole in the outer exhaust cover to retap. When I had everything back together, I put on the muff and...
  6. F

    94 225 TLRS WOT

    What WOT should I look for on this mounted on a 20' Grady walk thru. It has an extra 20 gal fuel tank plus a 30 gal bait tank. I have never changed the prop and believe that it is original. The boat is an 83 model. I normally see around 5000 to 5100 rpm although I don't push it to that very...
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    stripped bolt on preesure relief valve

    Managed to strip out one of the 10mm bolts on the above while replacing parts. What do you recommend using to repair in this application? There seems to be a fair amount of spring tension on the cover so I'm not sure if I need to drill and tap larger or what. Thanks for the help.
  8. F

    position of the seal damper

    94 mod 225TLRR This rubber dam or seal damper has a beveled edge the length of the rubber. (1 1/2 in long) Does this beveled edge go into the seat with the bevel facing the WP side or the prop side. Sorry but it seems to fit either way and I'm assuming the bevel is up. Thanks
  9. F

    over heat question

    yama 225TLRR 94 model. Over heat alarm at trolling speed but not at speed. Will troll at approx 800 rpm for 30 min and get an alarm. Turn off and waited a few minutes and would start back up with no alarm and run at speed approx 3000 rpm OK. Back at 800 rpm and would get alarm after about 30...
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    Right Paint??

    Last year I painted the deck of my Grady White with an Aliphatic Polyurethane paint that was said to be bullet proof. The deck was sanded removing all blemishes, wiped down with MEK and paint rolled on. 6 months later I started getting stains from fallen leaves, bird droppings, pollen, fish...
  11. F

    pilot screws ('93 225 HP 90 degree)

    How critical is this setting? My manual says 1 1/8 turns out. My problem I believe was the adjust on the throttle sensor which I corrected to .5 vdc. But in checking, I found the pilot screws only out about 5/8 turn and all were out different amounts. None were adjusted out a full turn. <br...