Search results

  1. jjnebraska

    Please Help - Do you know what model of Lone Star this is?

    This is for sale for $250 but after talking to the guy he has agreed to give it to me for free. I have never restored a boat and know very little about Lone Star. He claims this is a 1960 Flamingo, but none of the pictures I have seen match that claim. In fact, none of the runabouts seem to have...
  2. jjnebraska

    Lone Star - Please Help Me Indentify

    I found this on Craigslist and the guy told me I can come pick it up for free. Can you help me identify the model? He claims it is a Flamingo from 1960 but I cannot find any pictures that have the headlights. I would like to arm myself with any information prior to arriving so I don't get...