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  1. W

    1971 Mercury 110 9.8 Basket Case

    I'm in the same boat as you both with a 1973 Merc 110 (9.8 hp) with no spark. I have one good coil (I think) which tests the same as yours and now one bad coil with an open primary winding (see my thread on 'Ignition Coil Replacement). The motor is pristine with very low hours. The crazy...
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    Mercury Ignition Coil Replacement for P/N 336-4528

    Thanks, Fazbullet. That helps. Does anyone know a good place to get the lime green, red, or orange coils at a reasonable cost?
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    Mercury Ignition Coil Replacement for P/N 336-4528

    Thanks, Chris 1956. I found that coil on ebay also but I'm not sure I want to put that much into the motor, especially since I need two of them. There are plenty of new Mercury coils on ebay and amazon in the $15 to $25 range that have a similar shape and look like they will fit into the...
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    Mercury Ignition Coil Replacement for P/N 336-4528

    I just bought a 1973 Mercury 110/9.8 HP which has no spark. After testing the ignition coils, both primary windings are open so I need to replace them. The coils on the motor are P/N 336-4528 (the lime green type) but finding a replacement is tough because they are so old. There are a few on...
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    Difference between a 1984 or 1985 Johnson 5 hp and 6 hp?

    I just purchased a 1984 or 1985 (the plate is missing so I don't have the model #) Johnson 5 hp short shaft and can't find it listed by parts suppliers. It looks to be pretty much the same as a 6 hp of that same vintage (same size power head, leg, and prop) and I found a reference that...
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    Removal of Spark Plug Wires from 339 5288 coil on 1976 7.5 hp Merc

    My 1976 7.5 hp Merc is only firing on one cylinder. I'm trying to trouble shoot the ignition system and to check the resistance on the secondary winding on the 339 5288 coil, I'd like to remove the spark plug wire from the coil but am not sure if just pulling on it will damage anything or if it...
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    1982 Evinrude 7.5 hp Idle problems and sticky advance plate

    I just bought a 1982 7.5 hp Evinrude (short shaft) without checking it out very well. After getting it home I have two problems. I can get it to run but only at an rpm above idle with fine adjustments of the choke (about 1/4 to 1/2 way out). I know she shouldn't be choked to keep her running...
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    1989 Evinrude 8 hp - Runs great then dies after about 3 hours of trolling

    My 1989 Evinrufe 8 hp starts up and runs great but after about 3 or 4 hours of trolling she sometimes just dies. It takes me about 5 minutes and several pulls to get her to start up again. Once started, she runs great again. I've had this same problem occasionally on my 1986 Johnson 8 hp...
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    1996 Johnson 8 hp 2 stroke 'gunk' in exhaust

    My 1996 Johnson 8 hp 2 stroke has tannish grey 'gunk' coming out of the exhaust below the cavitation plate. I pulled the lower unit and the 'gunk' was all over the cavity in the mid-section. I checked the impeller and it was in need of replacement. I also noticed that when it was running the...
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    1986 Johnson 8 HP Choke/Fuel Primer

    Re: 1986 Johnson 8 HP Choke/Fuel Primer Good News! With three pumps of the primer she did start better last night. I am still a little confused on where the start position is on the throttle since my throttle grip has symbols rather than words on it (see picture). Can anyone tell me if the...
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    1986 Johnson 8 HP Choke/Fuel Primer

    I am looking for some insight on the Choke/Fuel Primer used on 1986 -1988 Johnson/Evinrude 6 & 8 HP outboards. I just acquired a 1986 Johnson 8 hp which runs great but is a little difficult to start. In reading LeRoy's Ramblings, I discovered that the Choke/Fuel Primer used on these models is...