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  1. H

    2000 Johnson 130 hp poor idle, bogging to now no start

    2000 Johnson 130 hp V4 model j130vxsss with VRO and 360 approx hrs. Great running motor till now. Last operation ran fuel tank to near empty and first use after refill noticed an intermittent poor idle and occasional misfire/bogging. Thinking fuel/fuel delivery problem changed fuel filter and...
  2. H

    Lower unit water leak

    2000 Johnson 130 HP V4. Hooked the muffs up the other day and noticed water streaming out of the joint between the lower unit and mid-section. Didn't think much of it until I started up the motor and now had water pouring from this area. Water was clear and the pee hole flow looked normal...
  3. H

    Adding Anchor Roller

    My 2000 Key West 20/20DC came from the manufacturer with an integrated Bow Pulpit, but without an Anchor roller. I'd like to install a roller with bolts and a backing plate, but can't reach the front of the pulpit from the only access, the anchor locker. A dealer suggested adhesive and several...
  4. H

    starter scared

    2000 Johnson 130 HP OP. Starting system from the key to the motor have just 50 hrs. Prior owner used boat very little. Once the key is turned and it runs through diagnostic, I turn the key to start but the starter motor activates only 70% of the time. The other 30% of the time hear just an...