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    1960 Evinrude Lark 2 wont stay running

    Re: 1960 Evinrude Lark 2 wont stay running Found some damage in the lower piston. But besides the stripped threads, it looks alot better than I expected. My replacement head is dirtier, should I clean it?
  2. B

    1960 Arkansas Traveler to fishing boat

    Re: 1960 Arkansas Traveler to fishing boat what do people think about this? I tried to make the model a little closer to the boats shape this time... For construction I'm thinking plywood stringers, 2x4 cross beams, and 1x6 decking. thoughts?
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    1960 Arkansas Traveler to fishing boat

    Re: 1960 Arkansas Traveler to fishing boat I intend to do this in the center of the floor and forward of the forward seat, where I will put hatches. I want it to look more finished in the places that might be seen. I have put foam into the two old seat areas. I took out all of the rotted...
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    1960 Arkansas Traveler to fishing boat

    I recently got a good deal on an old 14 foot Arkansas Traveler. I was looking for an aluminum boat, but I really liked the shape of this hull and thought it would make a good fishing boat. I am a graduate of The Landing School in Maine, and after studying both composite boatbuilding and design...
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    1960 Evinrude Lark 2 wont stay running

    I recently changed seals and impellers in the engine, along with gear oil. Reassembled it all and looked and felt fine. Started right up and ran for about 30 seconds fine, then started to sputter and stalled. I tried again, now it only ran for 5 seconds, and finally, it is having alot of trouble...
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    Evinrude Lark II 40hp HELP

    I recently purchased a 14 foot fiberglass boat with an Evinrude Lark II on it. It has a hairline crack in the skeg, not good, but I will be able to repair if I can get the lower unit off. I think I have removed all necessary bolts, and have it freed to the point where it will drop about 2...