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  1. secondchance22107

    1986 esport trailer for a bayliner 1410 trailer bunks

    i have the trailer above and looking for info on the bunks they are not wood they are like a hard plastic....i have searched all the forums i am on and found nothing can someone help ....i would like to replace with the same type if possible thanks
  2. secondchance22107

    86 40 hp Johnson carb woes

    I have a j40tecd and cannot find anywhere how to adjust the needle valve on top of the carb. Now from what I have seen in searching is that these carbs are from a different ie 1989 50. Also should the fixed high speed jet be with a carb rebuild kit. I bought one and none was in it. Thanks for...
  3. secondchance22107

    Question about lower control trim bracket

    Been on the boards mostly reading have a question I traded for a trim unit for my 86 40 Johnson. I did not know about the lower support bracket and it was not with the trade. What importance is it and does the trim unit need it..I figured on larger motors it would be important but not sure for...
  4. secondchance22107

    1986 seward slipper 17

    i have been working on this boat almost a year give or take a few weeks and this fourm has help me before i put up the galaxy i am restoring....i wasnt sure a sailboat would be worth putting on this fourm since i never saw one on here before... now the part i need help with on this is the...
  5. secondchance22107


    ok not sure but the wax buildup that yall are talking about is it the sticky feeling i am getting after i put the polyester on? i washed it with soap and water and it was less sticky ....thanks wanna make sure before i install te transom...... also if you have a hole close to the hull and...
  6. secondchance22107

    restoration of 1986 galaxy oak or birch plywood

    ok went to home depot and lowes well home depot was cheaper on everything i priced .... now for the question i bought some exterior glued cabinet grade plywood which has a tight pattern and very little to any flaws for the i found they had birch and oak plywood but the stickers...
  7. secondchance22107

    Fiberglass mat and polyester resin

    I am not sure if i am doing this right i am wetting out the mat on the piece i am working on in this case the transom,while putting it on the fibers stick up and come apart on the brush....after curing i have to sand the the sticking up fibers and smooth out the mat so it will be smooth .....i...
  8. secondchance22107

    Stringer help

    the stingers on my 1986 galaxy bow rider was only 1" wide is this normal for this year boats....not sure i have ever seen that thin of a stringer on any boat that is 20' long....suggestions please.......the reason the glass was bubbled toward the bottom of the stringers (from the other post)...
  9. secondchance22107

    not sure what i got

    i started restoring my 1986 galaxy a couple months ago and the more i get along with the tear down the more i find that i dont understand so hopefully someone can help....first off there is a rubber substance about 1/32" in assorted places on the hull dont know why or what it is.....second for...