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    1985 Bayliner 2450 Ciera Sunbridge Restoration underway!

    Re: 1985 Bayliner 2450 Ciera Sunbridge Restoration underway! And the after finished seat not gonna win any contest but I rebuilt wood frame also and it fit whew LOL thanks guys for the info made my life easier :)) any advice restoring the wood rails? again thanks all
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    1985 Bayliner 2450 Ciera Sunbridge Restoration underway!

    Re: 1985 Bayliner 2450 Ciera Sunbridge Restoration underway! Thanks Ciera gonna attempt to redo my L bench :) wish me luck LOL
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    Guys, Need some direction I have a issue with the boat omc 5.8 1989 the starter is stuck engaged. new on boat Starter Distrib points etc my question is this What do I check to track this down? The boat tries to start as soon as I turn on my Battery switch no key etc In Neutral or in...
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    Starter Question

    Hi All, I've been screwing with this damn boat for a month lol I have a issue with the starter staying engaged( i've asked this before) I have replaced Starter Batter Distributor (diff reason) new wires Plugs everything is gapped timed etc I will replace SOlenoid Assist as the last new...
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    Omc 5.8 RPM questions

    Hi all, Got my boat in water had mechanic set timing she purrs :) took it out for run boat will not go above 2000 RPM ??? Seems like fuel I have Brand new Holley 4160 in seems like secondary's aren't opening? Same carb that was on boat but new. In neutral boat will rev up np under load...
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    Starter stays engaged

    Hi all, As soon as I turn on my batteries my motor starts to crank? New battery new points cap/rotor Starter Solenoid Assist (slave) What could this be caused by? Alternator? Crossed wire on Slave? Please any advice THanks Don
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    Need some help OMC 5.8 Cobra no spark

    Hi All, First post have used forum to fix many things just great people on here. so heres my dilemma 1989 Bayliner Ciera 2455 5.8 OMC Wen to pull boat out of water and it died started up the start stayed engaged. Shut down batteries got boat to house. noticed fuel flowing from card so I have...