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  1. S

    Sealing under rub rail

    Gents, I noticed that I am getting some gaps and such in the seal under the rub rail. What is the best compound to reseal it and should i remove all the other sealant or just fill the holes/gaps? As always thanks for the imput.
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    AC and DC charger on board, are they compatible?

    Ok Gents, Have searched and patience was lost. So, I have a simple question. I have two batts on board, one crank and one TM batt. I already have an AC charger (two bank) on board for charging at home. I would like to add the dualpro "charge on the run" single bank charger for the TM batt. All...
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    Bimini Rocket Launcher (pole holder)

    Looking into one of these to free up space on my Q4 F/S. Does anyone have experience with these? input good or bad appreciated. Summer is almost here!
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    Suggestions for fishing pole mounts etc....

    Ok, finished off the first season with the Q4 fish/ski. There is a lot i want to change. No surprise space is limited on the Q4 so i am looking for suggestions for mounting pole holders, mounts etc... and want to get some ideas before i go drillin' holes in and on the boat. All suggestions...
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    At a loss! Dead in the water.

    Looking for help. Got the '04 Q4 out to the lake last weekend. everything electrically worked fine. Once on the water trying to pull away from the trailer, it would not turn over and kept cranking. By then the bro in law was gone with the trailer and truck. So out on the water it just kept...
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    Extending battery cables

    Hello everyone, I am repositioning my two batteries and the cables do not reach, Im short about 1 1/2 feet. Any suggestions on how to throw in some connectors to get the distance. I have been looking at several options but dealing with several 8g wires I am uncertain as to what is the best and...
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    Dual fishfinders

    Hello all, Happy to say the Q4 f/s is up and running, thanks to all of you who posted with help. The previous owner was messy! I found things in the bilge i never would have thought possible! Anyways on to the question, the original owner had a fishfinder/depth installed on the bow by the...
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    Egg Crate material in engine compartment

    does anyone know the technical term of the egg crate material in the engine compartment? Had to tear it out and cant find new stuff. Also, what adhesive is best used for this? thanks.
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    Bought a Q4 (2004) need some advice please

    Greetings fellow boaters, Just bought a 2004 Q4 F/S, it needs alittle cleaning and I have a few questions for you experienced Tahoe Owners. The top end hose section of the blower was laying in engine compartment, where does it attach to? I see there are 4 vents but cant reach them. Also the...