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  1. T

    Semi confused Ref: Gelcoat Looking for guidence

    I've separated the top and bottom of my 17' boat for my restoration project and I just gel-coated the top. I sprayed the Duratec thinned gel-coat (1 part Duratec to 2 parts gel-coat) using a dump gun. I've got quite a bit of orange peel, which I expected having read numerous posts. What I'm...
  2. T

    Help choosing/mounting kicker motor jack plate

    I'm in the process of rebuilding my 1982 17' Sylvan fish n ski boat and I'm considering a 9.9 mercury pro kicker. Main motor is a 1982 75hp Merc. It doesn't like running at low rpm's for any length of time:( Hence, the kicker motor. My transom is not wide enough to mount the kicker next to...