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  1. D

    i have a johnson year 2000 60 hp outboard motor will not run past 3200rpm

    hello any help would be great , not sure if im have the wool pulled over my eyes so to say . i had a boat that sat for year an half , run when it was taken out of the water . so i take it in an they said the carbs needed to be redone , that i can see with it sitting , so the carbs were rebuilt ...
  2. D

    i know this has been in many post vro fuel pumps to normal what can i you

    hello i have a 2000 60 hp jonhson the vro an fuel pump is no good do to sitting over a couple of years , can i repalce it with a reg pump an if so what one , an just mix fuel 50:1 an where do i find how to hook hook alram for old vro , an so on ... thanks for your time .
  3. D

    need help .with this boat motor new to this .. thank you

    i have a johnson year 2000 60 hp outboard motor , this boat was running when it was taken out of the water. but had sat for two years , do to death in family , so i have the boat now , also the motor is a rebuilb about 3 to 4 years ago i put all new gas an oil in the boat an tried to start an...
  4. D

    2000 60hp will not start need help

    i tryed to get the boat going to day , that i got when my fatherlaw passed away, would not start , new fresh gas , fresh oil in vro , would not start , replaced the plugs an gaped , checked the fuel fillter an pumped the pumped to see is i had fuel an i did but it was very diry , almost looked...
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    need some help ,want to paint my boat

    thank you for any help you can give me . i have an aluniuma boat i know i spelled that wrong ? it has been painted before ,i want to clean it all up with a fresh coat top an bottom ,not sure what to use i don't want it to peel . it is looking old an faded it is a teal an a white .looking for...
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    johnson 60hp year 2000

    2000 j60plsse johnson motor 3cyl i just got this boat an motor , pick it up this week end . what i'm looking for is i know it is a 2 stroke but is this motor oil injecton an if so were would i look for the oil resavers to fill it up an what oil do i use ,or is permix at 50:1 .. An could any one...
  7. D

    need some help about my motor

    hey, first of i thank you for your help i just get this boat an need some info on this . i have a 2000 j60plsse johnson motor 3cyl , is this 2 stroke or 4 , an what oil is best to use ,an lower end as well ,. an if anything i need to watch for an i would also like to find a owner mannul an...