Search results

  1. Bronko

    Fiberglass supplies for canadians?

    Seems like i have been searching for weeks to find the same prices you Americans are getting your resin and glass for. just wondering where other Canadian DIY'ers are getting there supplies from. if i order from my southern brothers (if they allow it) it seems that the shipping and duty kills...
  2. Bronko

    Surf tamer Rebuild...Stringers, Transom and deck

    well finally got some pics online to show you guys some progress i have made just need to finish up some grinding on the transom shell and i am good to go on gluing the new one in. couple questions 1. i was gonna tab the new transom in 6 inches or so i am sure that's enough but i thought i...
  3. Bronko

    fiberglass cloth question?

    so i am in the process of rebuilding a 14'er. transom, deck, stringers, just wondering what kind of csm weights i should use, when and when not to use woven roving. cant get any biaxel here so those are my only option's. gonna start my own boat restoration thread here just getting photbucket ready.
  4. Bronko

    Stringers directly to hull ?

    Hey everyone, been reading the forums for a few weeks now and am just plain addicted. You guys got a really great community here. So i am in the middle of a total rebuild (deck, stringers, transom) and everything is going smooth thanks to the forums here. id like to add in some stringers and...