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  1. 1

    1958 Mark 55 E 40hp, no spark.

    This info got me up and running , yes I know it’s an old post but I appreciate the help
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    cobra sx trim cylinders are leaking down after a short period

    I have a 97 glastron 175 with volvo penta outdrive(cobra sx),the outdrive drops after about a half hour.I have no fluid leaks inside where pump is and completelety dry outside.I am leaning toward the pump trim assembly but i am not 100% sure,steve
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    05 malibu squealing noise from driveshaft area

    hello all,my malibu response lx is making this huming,sqealing sound in drive at low speeds and goes away at higher speeds.Any clues?I thought it was the prop because it was bent,so i changed out prop and noise is still there.the noise sound like when you strike a tuning fork and hear that kind...
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    keel direction for installation

    I am restoring a 1951 gen mar speedliner,and the aluminum keel on the bottom is not the same shape front as it is rear.One side slopes gradually and the other end is abrubt.I need to know which side faces forward.can you help?
  5. 1

    175hp merc v-6 2 stroke oil inj

    Hello, I have winterized many I/O's but can't locate any block drains on this v-6,I have already installed 5 gallons of Anti -freeze in the block but want to make sure all water is out.this engine is a sugar sand jet boat with this merc 175 oil injected 2 stroke.Steve
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    volvo penta outdrive

    i am not new to winterizing boats ,but i am stumped as to the location of the lower unit oil drain on this 2007 volvo penta outdrive please clue me in .:confused: