Search results

  1. M

    74 merc 1500 tilt trim help

    I have a 74 merc 1500 and need help with the tilt trim pump. Do they still have rebuild kits for these? The unit is off of the boat is there any way to check motor and make sure it works? does anyone know where I can find a diagram for this? sorry for all the questions and thanks in advance for...
  2. M

    First boat! '85 monark

    Hello all I ust finally got around to starting my own thread here cus I no how much you all love seeing pics of boats!!!:D Mines not as pretty as sum but it will do. Its a 1984 17.5' monark SF the boat is rated for 115 hp but there is a 1974 merc 1500 hanging off the back. And because of the...
  3. M

    old merc 1500 help

    Hello all, this is my first post here on iboats I am working on my fist boat wich is an 85 monark fish and ski tha has an 1500 merc hanging off thae back. I believe the mec to b a 1974 model but am not real sure (the s/n is 3916067 if anyone knows how to check for me). I was just wondering if...