Search results

  1. 1955

    transom saver or what

    I have a little 50hp on a 14' bayliner I put the motor up in the lock position and tilt it to the right with a strap holding it down so's not to jump up and down when under way. Is this ok or should I use a transom saver? My trailer bracket is so far under the boat that the arm for the saver...
  2. 1955

    1986 50 force

    Hello I have a 1986 50hp force. New fuel pump. New impeller. New carb kit. Starts beautiful cold but after running across the lake to restart again it has trouble idling. Any suggestions??? this motor only ran for about two years and sat the rest of the time, so no hours on it. Was bought in...
  3. 1955

    boat restoration

    Just a few more pics of the boat
  4. 1955

    one more restoration

    Still working it after two years. A lot of work but still fun. Need to make new seats and pole holders. Mount the trolling motor, clean up the hull, register the trailer and boat, get all the required equipment for the boat to make it legal on the water. I appreciate all the help all of you have...
  5. 1955

    use the Captains seat or not

    I have a question for all you folks, can I use the Captains seat for a bow or stern fishing seat when I get to the fishing area? I was told the starboard or Captains seat needs to be stationary but you can use the other seat for this purpose. I was just trying to have only two seats on the boat...
  6. 1955


    hello folks, what would a 1961 24' beachcraft with a 35hp jojnson running and trailor needs some deck work go for????
  7. 1955

    deck paint

    Has anyone ever used Durabak paint ( this is a nonskid paint.I want to paint the floor on my boat. if so can you tell me about your experience with it and did you like it. I am getting close to finishing my little Bayliner and don't want to put carpet back in. I just want...
  8. 1955

    transom saver or not

    Hello I have a little 14' bayliner with a 50 hp force on it. no power tilt, should I use a transom saver and what is a good one. with the boat on trailer and connected to jeep, bottom of shaft is only 6" off ground. now I do have a thing on the motor to hold it up but do I trust it. it looks...
  9. 1955

    still working on it

    hello folks , this is the 1986 14' bayliner I started a year or so ago. as of now the 1986 5oHP force motor runs like a clock. It only has run for 1 1/2 year . the last owner used it when he got the boat new in 1986 for only two years and at that only about 17 hours. Lucky me!!!!! any way I was...
  10. 1955

    Bed liner for the floor boards

    has anyone heard of using bedliner over the glassed floor boards in a small 14' boat? I am repairing the floor boards and want to put liner over the new fiberglass wood. will it be to much weight???
  11. 1955

    OK I need to do it right

    You have all convinced me to glass and fix the boat the right way I am going to try and put some pics so you know what i am in for. may have a ton of questions and yes some stupid ones. hope this works. Do you think I will have to take all the floor out? right down to the ribs.
  12. 1955


    Does any one have a extra repair manual for a Model #507x6a serial #2300 force boat motor? I spent the whole day calling and going to see shops and the price was from $35-$105. what is with that? I was told I can not get a reprint and no one could tell what manual was better. All I want is a...
  13. 1955

    to glass or to marine polyurethane

    can I use marine polyurethane on some good cabinet grade ply for flooring in a 14' Bayliner capri? the floor boards are rotted out just in the middle of floor the outsides are still good. I just want to go over it and not have to put glass and resin down. I would cover all the new wood(ply) with...
  14. 1955

    Pivot pin or clutch pin

    hello I have a 50hp 1986 force motor Mod# 507x6a,someone went and took the pin out not sure what name to use (pivot or clutch pin) on the lower gear case. what is the best way to get it back in? That is if I can find the right one for it. and does any one have a manual for this motor they want...
  15. 1955

    old 50 hp motor

    Hello all I will be getting a 1986 Bayliner with a 50 hp Force motor that has not run for about 18 years. what should I do 1st. The motor only has about 20 hours on it Thank you