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  1. P

    Code reader help 4.3 M.P.I.

    Thanks for the suggestion!! ordered from E-bay. Thanks!!!
  2. P

    Code reader help 4.3 M.P.I.

    Greeting All. I have a Mercruser 4.3L MPI. 220 H.P. SER # 0M355000. ECM555 during the last time the boat was out it began throwing the dreaded double beep every min. Loss of power/limp mode. I have taken the boat to the shop to see if they can read the codes from the computer. Have had the boat...
  3. P

    MerCruiser single point drain leak.

    Greetings all. I am having a small leak into my bilge from the drain on my MerCruiser single point drain system. The water is leaking out the drain port of the bottom after the valve has been closed. The engine was removed in the fall and fully drained prior to removal. This is the first year...
  4. P

    1970 4 hp Evinrude stops suddenly

    Does the thing have a thermostat? Check that it is working properly. If it is not opening it will not allow fresh cool water into the engine once it is reached temp.
  5. P

    Transom gasket

    Thank you for your reply.. Good information!!
  6. P

    Hard starting 4.3LX, normal or not?

    A primer bulb has a one way valve system, Gas can only go one way. it is a easy was to test if you are loosing prime. I had a bad ASV along with an air leak. Boat would start run fine. If I left for a time gas would loose prime and could not start the boat if I primed it with the bulb she would...
  7. P

    Hard starting 4.3LX, normal or not?

    I would check your fuel lines or fittings for cracks and leaks. You may have an air leak. If your sucking air, you are not getting fuel. If you have an air leak and no siphon valve you will lose suction and the fuel will return to the tank. Try inserting a primer bulb in the fuel line and give...
  8. P

    mercruiser 4.3l mpi pressure regulator hose to tee

    Boy seems like these guys have no idea what they are doing! I would be embarrassed to post a question like this. LOL!! Hi Dad!!!!
  9. P

    Transom gasket

    It's on an aluminum boat stored inside with an open transom (does not have aluminum on both sides). I've already proven the leak looking at the gasket. Transom is solid, as I have pulled the engine and have access to the entire transom. I will check with the manual. Thanks for your reply!
  10. P

    Transom gasket

    Greetings all! I have a Princecraft 19.6 Special edition 2002 MerCruiser 4.3 MPI. I have had intermittent leaks at the rear transom area. Pulled the engine and transom plate and am down to a naked transom. My question is, when installing the new transom gasket, should I apply a bead of 4200 to...
  11. P

    HELP!!! 70Hp evinrude no low idle!!! HELP!!!

    I have A 70 hp 3 cylinder Evinrude. The engine runs great on the muffs in the driveway. However, when the engine is placed under load at the lowest Idle in forward or reverse the Engine?s R.P.M.s drop and the engine dies out. The engine runs great after passing 1300rpms, great top end...