Search results

  1. twink90

    Impeller kit 1978 Evinrude

    I am running into a problem locating the proper impeller kit for our motor. When I click on 85 HP it says fits 1979-& up. Well according to my research our motor is a 1978. The tile says 1979 but 85899C shows it as 78. Is this a problem I will keep finding when getting parts for this boat...
  2. twink90

    Saltwater damage to hull

    We just bought our first boat from TX and now its up in MO where we live. Boat is solid but the saltwater has corroded the hull. Its like it has a crusty layer all over the boat. We thought about using our power washer on the outsde of the boat, but didn't know if that would be wise or not...
  3. twink90

    Salt Water to Fresh Water

    We have a 1979 85HP Evinrude on a 16ft Terry Bass boat, it came from Tx and was used in the ocean. We live in MO and are going to use the boat in fresh water. If this was your engine, what would you replace, clean, change, or tune-up before you even put it in the water. Its our first boat...
  4. twink90

    1980 Evinrude trims up not down

    We just bought a boat from TX and brought it up to MO where we live. We got it cheap from family and they said it ran last time they used it. It was used on the ocean so saltwater has done major damage to the fiberglass hull but the engine is our concern. When we try to trim the motor it went...
  5. twink90

    1980 Terry Bass Boat where to start

    We just got this boat from Texas and now its in MO. The salt water has damaged the outside so bad we are not sure what color it is. Its our first boat, and we cant find any information on the company. It has an 85 hp evinrude, and we just need to know where to start. Do they make a First...
  6. twink90

    Removing Bow Seats?

    Well we have done a tune-up, replaced tilt motor, bilge pump, and tons of other little stuff on motor. The boat purrs!! We were going to put it in the water for the first time last weekend, and discovered rotten wood!! Yea, we were so worried about the motor, we overlooked the boat itself...
  7. twink90

    86 Bayliner 1950 Capri Volvo Penta 275

    We are looking for general information about this boat and motor. Pros' & Con's, maintanance, cleaning, up-keep, any tips or tricks would be helpful. This will be our first boat and it will become a fishing boat for our purpose. We are in the process of buying it, and have had it for 2wks now...
  8. twink90

    Keel Roller

    Just joined today and am trying to absorb all the boating information we can. We just got our first boat a couple weeks ago, and have so much to learn. We started it for the first time Sunday after repacing Distributor cap, new plugs and wires, tune-up kit (rotors, condensor, points) It was...