Search results

  1. LaqueRatt

    Restoring McCulloch 14HP

    Does anybody else think their outboard looks a bit beat up and want to paint and re-badge it? I recently brought a cool old outboard back from the dead, but it looks pretty plain. I'd like to spiff it up some. I can paint and do bodywork, so that's not an issue. I just don't know what color this...
  2. LaqueRatt

    Cold Compression

    Should the compression bleed off quickly on a cold motor? Trying to decide if have a compression issue or not. Watched some youtube vids and those guys' motors seemed to hold the compression pretty well, but think they were warmed up already. I've got 80 and 90 psi on the 14 HP McCulloch which...
  3. LaqueRatt

    Making Gaskets

    Not sure if this is the correct forum or not, but just wondering if can get a little advice on making gaskets. I pulled the sediment bowl and screen off my old 14 HP McCulloch and the cork gasket is falling apart. Would it be OK to cut a new paper one out of gasket material? Double it up maybe...
  4. LaqueRatt

    Are Impellers Unique?

    Sorry if this isn't the proper forum, but this isn't an engine repair question really. I just wonder if anyone has ever been able to make an impeller work that wasn't designed for their specific motor? If I take mine out and measure it, is it possible I could find something close and maybe make...
  5. LaqueRatt

    No Water - How Long?

    Think I really messed up. How long can an outboard run with no water without damaging it? Accidentally let my barrel get low and ran for about a min, maybe a little less.
  6. LaqueRatt

    14 HP McCulloch Question

    I'm ashamed to admit I may have killed this motor. Water in the test barrel kept leaking out. Having trouble starting it. Finally she roared to life and I turned the hose on. After about 30 secs to 1 min I realized it was taking too long to cover the water inlet and I shut it off. Once water...