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  1. S

    Lower bearing carrier removal

    Praise the lord!! I got it out ..took a giant pipe wrench and got it to spin then pulled and it slid right out ..
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    Lower bearing carrier removal

    Are ya 100%positive there is nothing but the two carrier bolts holding these carriers in? This is a 91 to 95 (94) 70 hp force by Merc
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    Lower bearing carrier removal

    Got ya ..leave screw ….hope I haven’t heated her too much ….I’m using a 2 jaw puller rigged with 2 short sections of chain to steel carabiners,the type with threaded sleeves to close the loop ,,cut that off and you’re left with a steel “C” ..heat treated that …slipping those into and over/around...
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    Lower bearing carrier removal

    Any tips on getting the carrier out ? Last resort?
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    Thermostat 120 HP Force 1997 120ELPT S# OE264525

    My 94 70hp Force is facing in ..if that helps
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    Lower bearing carrier removal

    But it doesn’t need to be removed to pull carrier out ? Correct?
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    Lower bearing carrier removal

    Morning All !I be got a 94 70hp force ,with bad lower unit bearing carrier …I’ve done everything but bust it out with a chisel …soak heat..pull ,,soak ..heat..pull over and over I missing something?this carrier should come out after removal of the two fasteners on the carrier itself...
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    1986 45 hp merc/mariner overheat alarm?

    getting an alarm after new impeller install,peeing ok. alarm sounds while running,while peeing,also recent carb job ,will too lean cause an overheat?carbs set at 1 and a quarter out from light seat on needle screw.maybe just a little under 1-1/4 turns on both top and bottom carb.should i check...
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    45 hp mariner 1985 4cyl

    got in a 45 hp/ mariner,thats missing,loss of power.smoking heavily and spitting a sheen of exhaust/fuel on to the water in fuel,carbs not leaking fuel.are these prone to head gasket leaks ? or more prone to be the firing etc..just wondering where to look first maybe point me in a...
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    1986 mariner 45hp 4cyl waterpump help

    does anyone know the merc part # for the impeller for this motor? didnt make this hp but for a few years i heard.
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    45hp 4cyl mariner 1986 problems

    How do you get to the bottom carb nuts on this engine,actually the bottom left side(starboard).its under the starter sort of.really hard to get a wrench on that one.anybody got any secrets on how the best way to go at that bottom carb?I really appreciate any help.
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    gearshift control adjustment force 75 hp 1995

    how to adjust the throw for the forward and reverse,at the motor,underneath the cowling.can some one explain the adjustment procedures for me.I need to know which way to move the brass adjuster that is on the cable (the threaded part at the end of the cable).Im talking about the brass colored...
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    force lower unit

    Ive got a 1995 force 70 hp,and i have torn down the lower unit,for replacement of seals and any worn parts,(clutch dog etc),because its jumping out of forward gear under a heavy load.ive got the prop shaft and carrier removed along with the gear attached.I need to know how to remove the drive...
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    part # help!!

    Ive got a complete lower unit from a 60 hp merc,1994 year model.Where do i find the part number for the entire lower unit? i want to sell the lower but need a part # to help advertise to buyers and for refrences as to what it will fit. I think its a non-bigfoot,but not sure really just a hunch...
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    95 force 75hp gear troubles!!

    ive got a 1995 force 75hp,and when its running wot or close to it,under a load etccc..... it jumps out of gear sort of,.Kinda sounds like its cavatation, but its not.when put in neutral and then back into fwd it does fine, but will do it again, after a while. also engine revs high when it...
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    timing a 70 hp force?

    how do i bypass the saftey switch to time my engine,at wot with out the sparkplugs installed,.while cranking over the engine? where do i bypass the In gear saftey switch??and how do i bypass it? thanks guys you all are great!
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    95-70hp Force skipping :need advice

    , can that exhaust side cover palte,etcc...leak water into the cylinders,an di f so where can i get those gaskets>??
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    95-force-70hp 3cyl. water in cylinder??

    I have the above mentioned engine a 1995 --75 hp force 3 cylinder, with the merc ignition. is this engine one of the force engines that can leak water into the cylinder thru the side intake etc..Im getting water in the top 2 cylinders, but the comp is good, actually all within 2 lbs of the...
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    1994 force 70hp 3cylinder w/merc ignition,red stator

    hey again guys, ive got a 1994 force 70hp 3cylinder w/merc ignition,red stator,voltage regulator etc... i need to know what the timing should be for this engine.The book says 30*btdc,but i cant seem to get it that far ahead. i know there are many variations of this engies ignition system etc...