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  1. S

    Is there anyone on here with experience rebuilding Yamaha 2 strokes?

    Flyingscott. What information was truly given other than go and have someone else do it for me or go buy a 170+ dollar press. I could have done without their useless information that was given. My question was would heat mess up the brass gear so it looks like you are the illiterate 2 yr old.
  2. S

    Is there anyone on here with experience rebuilding Yamaha 2 strokes?

    Scott danforth and Racerone apparently are just no use on this forum. When people ask for help with basic questions I would expect an answer on the question and not to tell me to go buy a press or good luck with my project. I clearly needed to know if it would damage the brass gear by heating it...
  3. S

    Is there anyone on here with experience rebuilding Yamaha 2 strokes?

    The reason I ask is out of the questions I have asked so far, I get no responses from anyone and only views on my posts. I thought maybe there could be someone on this forum that has experience rebuilding these motors and not taking them some where else to have it done. I know how to work on...
  4. S

    Is there anyone on here with experience rebuilding Yamaha 2 strokes?

    I meant with knowledge of actually rebuilding these motors and not somewhere to take it to.
  5. S

    Is there anyone on here with experience rebuilding Yamaha 2 strokes?

    Is there anyone on here with experience rebuilding Yamaha 2 strokes?
  6. S

    1989 Yamaha 90etlf oil injection pump drive gear install on crankshaft

    I have a manual but it does not say anything as to how this gear is installed on the crankshaft. I do not want to mess up this part because this little drive gear is 140 dollars. It looks to be brass and I am wondering if it would be better to place it in my oven and heat it so that maybe it...
  7. S

    1989 90etlf crankshaft install

    I am having a hard time getting the crankshaft bearings to all line up and fall into place on the dowels for the oil passages. Does anyone have any tricks on how to get them to line up easier and fall into place.
  8. S

    1989 Yamaha 90etlf with broken head bolts

    Does no one no of a good alternative to the factory bolts or at least what grade they are?
  9. S

    1989 Yamaha 90etlf with broken head bolts

    I have snapped off a head bolt and can not figure out what material they are made out of. I ordered some new bolts for the head and the exhaust covers on the block since I snapped off 4 of those while removing them. The bolts I ordered are probably going to be back ordered and I need to get my...