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  1. F

    Helicoil issues

    I work on cars as a profession and I have worked with most machine shops in my area and haven't found one I'd be willing to go back to. A good machine shop is hard to find in these parts
  2. F

    1973 Evinrude 115 No Start has spark

    It fired off 3 cylinders last night, just have to get some threads in the head repaired and we will be on the water this weekend, maybe she will stop threating buying a new boat :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Thanks for the help guys
  3. F

    1973 Evinrude 115 No Start has spark

    I appreciate the reply. I found the bowl gasket is deteriorating and putting pieces of rubber everywhere clogging everything up. A rebuild kit is ordered, I believe that will solve the issue. Not my proudest moment
  4. F

    Helicoil issues

    I'm in Florida, the helicoil was already installed prior to me buying the motor, but there isn't any loctite on the threads
  5. F

    Helicoil issues

    I have an 73 evinrude 115 that I bought with a helicoil in cylinder 1 spark plug hole. In marine helicoils are they supposed to stay in the head like a car? Or are they supposed to thread out with the spark plug? Mine was threading out with the spark plug and the last time I put it in I guess...
  6. F

    1973 Evinrude 115 No Start has spark

    My 73 Evinrude 115 has been a project to say the least. I have researched this engine constantly and now I'm left scratching my head. I started with no spark, I replaced the battery that was worn out, cleaned all grounds and replaced starter that was spinning slower than 250 rpms. Since then it...