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  1. D

    Holeshot repaired - Now Surging

    I will look at the gasket as well, thank you. I talked a local boat dealer and he told me to change the gaskets behind the reeds. He also said that a bad powerpack could cause surging. Do these things sound right to any of you ?
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    Holeshot repaired - Now Surging

    I will take a look at it. I noticed while running that when I ran through small wakes of other boats that the rpm would change and rev up. I have it trimmed up but not in such a way as to starve the intakes.
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    Holeshot repaired - Now Surging

    I also cleaned the vapor tank and checked its float.
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    Holeshot repaired - Now Surging

    Yes, 3/8 fuel line. However, the line has a quick connect with a check valve. I think that I will change to just a 3/8 barb.
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    Holeshot repaired - Now Surging

    They should be clean. I just cleaned them thoroughly and set the floats.
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    Holeshot repaired - Now Surging

    Thanks to the help from this forum I was able to fox my holeshot bogging down problem on my 94 Evinrude Intruder 175. After replacing my warped carb bowls and rebuilding them with new kits I was able to get on plane easily yesterday. I am however still having the issue of surging. An example...
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    1995 Evinrude Intruder 150 falls on its face

    Thanks. I am ordering 6 new sets of carb kits. Should I look into a vro rebuild kit or am I jumping the gun on that idea ?
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    1995 Evinrude Intruder 150 falls on its face

    Thank you Racerone. This info helps me considerably. I do have proper spark. My compression is 90 -96 on mine. The lowest cylinder is 91 and I think that is the one that helps operate the pulses ? I have not done anything to the vapor tank. I haven't found anything so far when I searched...
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    1995 Evinrude Intruder 150 falls on its face

    I have been asking for help about the same problem and I am getting nowhere. Pumping the bulb does nothing to help my 175 Intruder but pushing in the ignition key does allow it to go up a few hundred rpm at a time until I can get on plane. I am considering whether or not to buy a rebuild kit...
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    Stumbling on takeoff

    Racerone, could it be a leaking diaphragm inside the vro ? I have tried to find out about the vst ? Also, should I be seeing a fluid level in that cone filter housing ?
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    Stumbling on takeoff

    I did have warped bowls and got that problem repaired. That fixed the fuel leak. I pump the bulb and sometimes it gets hard but at other times it just seems to be firm. I noticed that where the fuel line enters at the fuel cone shaped filter that the white filter hosing is transparent enough...
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    Stumbling on takeoff

    I forgot to to put that for the first time this weekend I began to notice that the motor seems to surge slightly as if it is starving for something and then picking back up. This is while running across the lake at about midrange. I haven't seen it do this until yesterday afternoon. I had...
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    Stumbling on takeoff

    I need some opinions about a holeshot problem on my 94 Evinrude Intruder 175. It is on a 19 foot Ranger 481. It cranks up and idles. When I put it in gear and and start forward it begins to bog down. If I slowly press my hot foot I am able to keep it cranked and the rpm gets to about 1000. If...
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    Can't get on plane

    I am sometimes having trouble coming up on plane. About 70 percent of my starts during an outing in fact. Sometimes my boat comes up smoothly with no issues. It may not happen again for several trips and then it seems like it can't get past a certain level so to speak. When it occurs though...
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    VRO or Fuel Pump ???

    Hi everyone. I was wanting to get some opinions on whether to rebuild my VRO or just convert to a straight fuel pump on a 94 Evinrude intruder175. My no oil horn and light go off in the mornings when it is real cold. Around 40 degrees air temp or less. This has went on for a number of years...
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    No holeshot

    Hi everyone. I have a 94 model 174 Evinrude that is pushing a 92 Ranger 481 V. It cranks and revs up fine with no problem idling. When I take off, it moves forward and slowly builds up speed until it finally reaches plane and then the boat takes off like a rocket. I have no problem with...
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    MotorGuide 24 volt power loss

    My MotorGuide model 750 12/24 volt trolling motor is losing the 24 volt use during a day of fishing a tournament. I run the motor on 3 and on 24 volts for most of my fishing. I don't usually put much use on my motor and this problem has not always been there. My batteries are only 6 months...
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    ticking sound at idle speed

    I have a 94 Evinrude 175 sixty degree that I rebuilt almost 5 years ago. It has given me no problem and runs smoothly until my last visit to the lake. I began hearing a ticking or clicking sound at idle speed. It is right in rhythm with the engine running. If I push my hot foot and give it...