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  1. G

    What mods have you made to your inflatable / rib?

    Re: What mods have you made to your inflatable / rib? the design will be based on a typical fishing boat used by the fishermen of Bequia (pronoun. beck-way). the red one in the foreground is a good example. btw- every motor you see in the photo is a yamaha. he wanted to do a 17ft originally...
  2. G

    Fishing from an inflatable

    Re: Fishing from an inflatable LOL! It's a deal breaker all right! For those still following this thread - Well I'm off to Bequia next w/e to see a boat builder. The traditional fishing boat design seems the favourite, plus it's what they can build well. If the pic is showing , the red boat in...
  3. G

    What mods have you made to your inflatable / rib?

    Greetings everyone. During the course of my research into inflatables, I notice that some manufacturers offer shades, seats, bow bags, seat bags with foam, etc. I have also come across proud owners of crafts that they have modded or customised to suit themselves. In the event that I purchase...
  4. G


    Hi All I could not find a thread for air decks. I have read opposing views on air decks - from 'they are ok for doing a shopping run' to 'they are the way to go, no-one buys ali or wood anymore'. Also I am wondering if they are so light does this not have an effect as to how the boat handles...
  5. G

    Fishing from an inflatable

    Good day Everbody - a nooby here posting for the first time. I am looking to buy an inflatable and outboard to fish off the coast on the leeward side of St Vincent & The Grenadines, a largish island in the Caribbean. I do not intend to go much more than a mile offshore - the coast has many...