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  1. O

    hoting up 68 18 hp evinrude

    g'day i am toying with the idea of hoting up my 18hp. is it possible to file of drill the ports on each cylinder to a bigger size? nad if it works how much difference will it make? and if i run if on shell A fuel(Race car fuel) will it damage the engine? my mate used to do this with his motor...
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    3 hp decals

    g'day i am repainting my 1964 johnson 3 hp and i have taken the decals of and i have a spare tank with decals that i can use is it possible that i could boil some water and peel the decals off with the steam? <br />any ideas of what to glue them on with when their of.<br /><br />Thanks
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    Honda lawnmower out board

    g'day i did not know where to put this question ast it is a mix of lawn mower and outboard. my dad recently made an outboard out of a honda lawnmower and a leg off of a gold cheetah outboard. well it runs well but the lawnmower is incredably loud and i am wondering if anyone with experiance with...
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    3 hp cover

    im just toying with the idea that the fibre glass covers on the 1968 3hp wouldit mount on my 64 evinrude with a tin cover or are there things like motor is different and starters and choke knobs in different places. I was toying with this idea as the engine is to hard to get at with the tin...