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  1. T

    Any one know were i can get grip tape or a rubber pad??

    I need to put some new grip tape or a rubber pad on the front of my boat were the trolling motor goes but cant seem to find any sive that i need. any suggestions??
  2. T

    Any one boat on the wisconsin river??

    Just looking for some tips to boat on the river and maybe exchange some fishing spots.
  3. T

    Any one fish the Wisconsin River?

    Just wondering if anyone fishes the wisconsin river and what baits they use..
  4. T

    Need tips on cleaning/polishing my aluminum bass tracker..

    Just bought a 1996 bass tracker 120xr sport jet and was wondering if anyone had tips on cleaning up the oxcidized alumminum or polishing it up to bring back a nice finish..
  5. T

    Just bought a 1996 bass tracker with a 120xr sport..

    Just recently picked up this boat as a project. The guy we bought it from said there is a hole in the first cylinder. the other day we went to start the boat after sitting in a parking lot for four years. we took the park plugs out and cranked the engine with no plugs and water was shooting out...