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  1. Lacabana

    Honda BF200 temperature alarm during flush with mufs

    Thanks! Problem is that I don’t get any water through the system when using the flush connector. I didn’t start the engine when using the flush connector, only when using the mufs engine is started. Read somewhere that there is a pressure valve that needs to open up when using the flush...
  2. Lacabana

    Honda BF200 temperature alarm during flush with mufs

    Thanks a lot for your reply! Next time I will give it a try using a bucket and I already ordered a new impeller kit. The engine is not overheating in the water. Could the alarm be false? Since the engine temperature according to my MFD with NMEA data seems normal. The other thing I noticed...
  3. Lacabana

    Honda BF200 temperature alarm during flush with mufs

    Hi, I just got a new boat with a used (130 hours) Honda BF200 outboard. I bought mufs so I can flush the engine on my driveway directly after returning home. After some 3 minutes running the engine the audible alarm for overheating comes on. Water flows properly from tell tale and exhaust at...