Search results

  1. L

    Chrysler 1057HF distributor

    The engine I have only has 3 cylinders not 4
  2. L

    Chrysler 1057HF distributor

    I couldn't find a cap and rotor online for it. Is there a distributor for a V6 that would work since it's 3 cylinder
  3. L

    Chrysler 1057HF distributor

    Any idea where I could order the parts or what to search for to make sure I get the right ones Any idea where I could order the parts or what to search for to make sure I get the right ones
  4. L

    Chrysler 1057HF distributor

    I have a Chrysler 1057HF I was trying to figure out why it wasn't firing I took the cap off the distributor and there were several pieces laying in the cap. I was wondering if it could be rebuilt or where I could find one or if there's any other option I have. I'll upload some pictures of what...