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  1. S

    Restoring my boat

    Sorry! I put skiboat, but it changed it lol. I'm going to try bleach next. If it doesn't work, my problem is I can't figure out how those cushions are attached to the boat so I don't know how to take them off. I can't get behind the cushions to undo a bolt or something. I'm not sure if they were...
  2. S

    Restoring my boat

    I have tried all kinds of soaps and can't get it to budge...what do you use
  3. S

    Restoring my boat

    Hey guys, I just found these forums! I was given a 1998 aquatron 180 sailboat that has a mercury 3.0 engine in it. I am currently working on restoring it and wanted to get hall's input on how I would reupholster the cushions in the picture. Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks, eddie