My daughters half sister committed suicide approx 2 weeks ago (24) leaving behind a 3.5 year old girl and an 8 month old son, birth dad never on birth certificates, alcoholic and druggie, gave up all parental rights, my daughter (already has my 2 yr old grandson) and her husband adopted them...
and we met on here, forgot his user name, but what a great pal, shared so much and video chatted for like 1;5 hours! Just makes me smile!!! Great hunter as well
Ive got a 43X I LOVE, accurate, very controllable, dependable, I've got big hands too, my EDC has for years been Baretta 21a dbl/single tipup bbl 22 LR,accurate , no jams but a bit small in caliber - I'll keep looking :)
Me - fruit trees, veggies, fishing, shooting, hunting, offroading, retired, central TX, dogs, house stuff, trying not to get married/divorced a 3rd time, spending my kids inheritance, beer, bbq, good friends ;)
what year is it, mods? smog pump? Whats it going in? Where in N. CA. you live? I was in the Concord/Martinez area for approx 20 yrs, retired here 6 yrs ago, growing lots here too much (I'm in 30 miles north of Austin) yeah hot, but all paid off, folks great, much more affordable, AC and pools :)