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  1. R

    '77 OMC 235 bogging down

    Took some friends out yesterday, and while pulling up a skier and later when pulling two person tube, noticed the boat "dragging" like never before. Id have to give her more throttle than usual to get on plane. While trying to get on plane, motor would stutter and then "grab". This is what I...
  2. R

    mercruiser 260 pull

    I am getting ready to pull the motor out of my boat. It is a mercruiser 260, in a wellcraft airslot 24 fish. My question is, can I pull the motor out by "splitting" it from bell housing? I have removed everything, including the bell housing bolts, and starter. I dont want to damage other parts...
  3. R

    navigation basics

    Hi, I am planning a trip to California coast, and was wondering if anybody could direct me to a basic navigation/chart plotting etc online course or book or something that I could learn basic navigation/ map skills? I know there is no substitute for learning on open water, I just wanted some...
  4. R

    stringer dilemma

    Hi , I'm a newbie. Long time reader, first time poster........ Today, I drilled some small holes in the stringers on my 24' Wellcraft Airslot Fisherman. I encountered wet shavings from the bottom of stringer up to 2-3". Big and beefy stringers but still discouraging. The shavings were white...