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    Investment question

    I'm losing money in my 401K. I have about 5000.00 in the bank that I would like to invest before the dow comes back up if and when. Anyone have any suggestions?
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    Another Bailout question..

    So lets practice democracy and vote on it. Please dont leave an opinion about it. Just yea or nay. We heard the media, we heard congress, and we heard the candidates. Lets just hear what Americans have to say after the fact.
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    Does anyone know where I can buy it without it having 10% ethanol in it? I know its great stuff according to some experts but I dont want it based on some of my experts. anyone?
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    Math ....HELP!

    Hello all, My 6 grader Lee as well as his older 9th grade brother Eugene are both taking gifted ( advance math ) at school. Lee gets a "Problem of the week" word problem to solve every week and we are struggling trying to help him. The first problem none of us can figure. The second is a problem...
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    Ho! Ho,Ho!

    From a skinny
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    Global chillin update

    Its flippin COLD aint it !8). Can we get a GW expert in here to give us a forecast? Or,....did Global warming fly south fer the winter?
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    DEATH TOLL (65) UPDATED 1-18-07 Global Chillin

    Hey everyone. I've noticed lately that the local weatherman in my area will referrence gobal warming when the temps here or in the us are above RECENT AVERAGE. Well I heard that California had some snow over the weekend but I didnt here the all to puh about the climate change. Any liberal...
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    Hey, I just remembered the tv news reporting recently and showing Cindy and her little mob shouting down some liberals "NEW CHANGES" about the Iraq war direction. Meanwhile CJY is providing info about what the new change is. Were waiting for specifics, but for now CJY says that it would be...
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    Murtha Endorsed by Rush!
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    Read between the lines.Troll.

    Smokers, obese should pay more health insurance: poll By Kim Dixon Tue Nov 14, 4:20 PM ET Most Americans believe smokers and obese people should pay more for health insurance, but they have mixed views on how to help the millions without any health insurance, according to a survey published...
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    So whats up with Immigration Amnesty?

    Dems are backing off. Rush told me so. 8)
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    Times finds Iraq WMD's

    After the fact, cause some had already been found. just not reported. Anyone hear about it?
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    Rush interveiws W today.

    8) I'm listening right
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    Jim WEB

    Hey anyone heard the scope about the Virginia Democratic candidate. He wrote some dirty fiction and he needs your vote to win a seat..Rush had a reporter get an interveiw. sorry for the long cut and can skip over the Rush comments as they might affend. the words written under Web...
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    Fidels troll

    Well, what happened to him. I thought we cared a few weeks ago. Hell the media was real worried about him and his brother!...( Whinny liberal voice montage) "Oh my! what will become of Our dear comrade?"...there was thread here about it too. 8). Why this is ground breaking historical news.
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    ANTS! JasonJ help!

    Hello Jason, you have probably answered this before but now I got to ask you again. I've got a colony of sweet ants that are in my house the problem has been ongoing for awhile. Should I just nix the do it yourself approach and call the pros in? Should I call a local mom and pop or Orcon or...
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    For TXS

    Sorry but for some reason I could not reply to the Rush L. thread so I sent this specail jus for you TX. Notice the liberals are giddy about counting....see below and the link to the article. Quote: The prescription for 50 pills was filled in December, before Limbaugh entered into the...
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    oddjobs troll

    Is it still Gay pride month? just wondering....the website for the company I work for left another factoid for me to read today.. Gay Pride Month - Factoids Famous GLBT People: Will Geer, actor. Will Geer is best known for his portrayal of the character Grandpa Zeb Walton in the popular...
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    oddjobs troll

    Dont look now but bushes poll numbers are going up. Plan in Iraq is working. Top anti-American in Iraq is dead. Bush makes surpise visit to Iraq NEW leadership. Iraqi troops are stepping up to the plate. Life sucks if your a die hard lib.. :D
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    For JB and Cat

    JB I have a small following of turtle doves. about 3 years ago the runt of a litter was kicked out of its nest buy its siblings in the big oak tree that stood in the front yard of my house before hurricne Wilma. My sons told me about the bird when it was in my front yard. At their request I went...