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  1. G

    72 ev 40hp norseman shifting

    I have this 72 40 hp Norseman that I have brought back to life and that now runs like a rolex.When I took it to the water however It kept jumping out of forward gear.Stripped out lower unit and gear case,found no undue wear,sliding dog working OK.Replaced pinion bearing 'cos it only had 13...
  2. G

    Johnson Model # question been brought a smallish Johnson to bring back to life but I am having trouble identifying it.My list of model #s is pretty extensive but I cannot find this one/ The # is CD 25R which would seem to indicate a 25hp but it is more like somwhere from 5 to 7.5 or 8.Can anyone help me out please...
  3. G

    Wiring prob on 72 40hp EV

    I have got my recently acquired Ev 40 rigged up in the boat with all controls working fine except for the wiring .The motor came with a switch and wire harness.All the wires were marked,ie solenoid main top left,top right etc got those connected up and she started and ran like a Rolex. My...
  4. G

    Fuel pumps for Johnnyrudes.

    I have to get a new fuel pump for my 64 9.5 seahorse.I have been looking at various online stores,including this one and there seem to be a bewildering selection of prices and part #'s for what is basically the same pump.I mean the little square black plastic jobs.they all fit almost all of the...
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    Rubber V Plastic.

    Afternoon all. Can anyone give me a good reason why I should not replace all my rubber fuel lines with plastic to avoid the problems inherent in having to use ethanol laced fuel.Hard to get anything else in Washington state. Thanks ,Geoffwg1a
  6. G

    72 40hp ev overhaul

    I am in the process of overhauling and checking my newly aquired 1972 40hp Evinrude and I have a couple of questions that I'm sure someone here can help with. No1: I have removed the lower unit to check and replace the impeller and I find that the book says that there should be an "o"ring on top...
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    Leg angle

    Hi all, I am just setting up a new (used) motor on my boat.Can anyone tell me what the optimum angle for the leg is relative to the keel line please.It seemed to work OK as is but it doesn't look right somehow.Thanks. Geoffwga1.
  8. G

    76 75hp stinger

    I am the proud but worried owner of a 1976 75 hp Johnson Stinger.About a month ago i was running it in the tank,something I do to all my motors on a regular basis. It was running nicely at a fast idle when it stopped suddenly and violently.Close examination revealed the block to be cracked so...