Search results

  1. mrboat

    water in oil

    I was on the water and my boat died. '76 silverline comoro, Merc 888 Ford 302. So I checked the oil, and it looked milky. I also had oil in the bilge. thinking my block or head is cracked, i did a compression test. Here were the results: Cyl 1: 120 psi Cyl 2: 120 psi Cyl 3: 120 psi Cyl 4: 120...
  2. mrboat

    Sterndrive Oil Mercruiser 888

    I would like to replace the oil in my drive unit before I take the boat on the lake again. i looked the fluid type in my service manual, it says "Quicksilver C-92-68617" Is this just like a 75W-90 Gear Lube? or something special. . .? i work at an automotive shop and have many types of gear...
  3. mrboat

    Steering problem / questions

    i have a steering issue i need to get straightend out. (lol) My boat turns great to the left, but not as far to the right. The wheel makes about 2 turns to go full left, and only 1 to go right. I disconnected the linkage, and moved the drive from left to right, and it is real smooth. no bindage...
  4. mrboat

    broken outdrive

    well its all bad. I got into some shallow water last weekend, and bottomed out the boat. When I got out of the water, i checked my outdrive and the bottom fin was broken clean off!! my prop was damaged too, but i have a spare so no biggie. What i am worried about is that piece on the outdrive...
  5. mrboat

    Difference in Merc 888/898

    i have a '76 mercruiser 888 with the ford 302 in it. i was reading that the only difference between the 888 and 898 was ford / chevy motor. would i be able to fit a chev 350 in place of that ford without alot of modifications? not a big ford fan. plus i have easy access to a decent 350.
  6. mrboat

    How to pait bottom of boat

    i am in the planning stages of restoring my 76 silverline 18' tri hull. I can't seem to think how im going to paint the bottom side of the boat? -i mean right where it sits on the trailer. how have other people gone about this task? :confused:
  7. mrboat

    bleeding trim

    i have a 76 silverline comoro 18T with a ford 302 / merc 888 - my trim didn't move up or down, but i could hear the pump running. i added some oil to it- in the down position, and now it comes up slowly, but not all the way. is there a bleed procedure i need to do? :confused:
  8. mrboat

    Gauges question

    Hey whats up. I have a question about my gauges. My boat is a 1976 silverline comoro 18T with a ford 302 / mercruiser 888. I just bought it from my uncle about 2 weeks ago, and he said last time he used it ( about 2 years ago ) that all the gauges work. Well, i took it on the lake and the gauges...