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  1. M

    Hard shifting when warm? 89 omc with 4.3L

    Hi, I am new to this forum and I checked out all the other posts about the shift interrupters. . . . This is my question: Have you ever noticed that the shifting works great when cold, but it is hard to get out of gear when it is warm? Yesterday i was at my boat (just got it a few weeks ago)...
  2. M

    transom and floor replacement

    hi - i have a '77 crestliner apollo 16 that needs a new transom, and probably a new floor.<br />my question for you is, how much fiberglas stuff should i look to purchase?<br />i also am planning to take the top of the boat off - <br />because the splash well is deep and i cannot get in...
  3. M

    Seacast - has anyone used it with missing inner glass on transom repair?

    one question about seacast - i just bought a boat with a great 85 hp johnson and a bad transom<br />the previous moron/owner put 2x6 lumber in and out sandwiching the transom - it is VERY strong, doesnt leak but is ugly.<br />how can i use the seacast with no inner fiberglass? can i make an...
  4. M

    Can you put the wrong stator on and make it work

    ok, here is the deal - i have a 77 85hp with a cooked stator. i went to the local johnson shop and they want 330 for a new one and 260 online for a CDI. we went through his used inventory and we found one with the right number of yellow wires (for the battery charger and 2 sets of brown wires...
  5. M

    What makes a Stator go bad? and once i replace it will this happen again?

    I just bought a 77 crestliner apollo 660 - nice enough boat, it has a Johnson 77 85hp on it.<br />we were out this weekend and stopped for lunch - never started again. I have a manual, my dad and i trouble shot and removed the flywheel (after fabricating a wheel puller) and the stator is cooked...