Search results

  1. B

    Differet way to fog your engine (?)

    I talked to a guy today who has an interesting way of fogging his motor. He has a portable gas tank with about a gallon of stablized gas in it. He adds about a 1/4 can of fogger oil to it, hooks the tank up to his gas line to his motor and runs the motor for about five minutes so it's smoking...
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    Winterizing a '95 Merc XRi 150

    I'm pretty handy, but I'm not really familiar with engines that much. I plan to winterize my Merc soon, and I think I have most things covered, but I'm not sure where the carbs are to spray the fogging oil into? What am I looking for? If anyone has pics or a description of what I'm looking for...
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    Bearing Buddy maintenance

    I just picked up my boat from winter storage last night. I'd like to tune up my bearing buddies to make sure they're doing what they are supposed to be doing. I'm not that familiar with them though and I've only had this boat and trailer for a year. I took off the black rubber bearing buddy bra...
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    Bleeder valve leak (?)

    I noticed that gas is leaking out of my bleeder valve that's on the side of my boat. This happens when I'm trailering and I noticed it because of a large gas stain on my canvas boat cover. This wasn't a problem when I first got the boat a couple of years ago, that I know of. Any suggestions on...
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    PS2 car racing game

    I'm looking for a good racing game for PS2. I'm not sure what's out, but I don't want to buy a brand spankin' new $40 to $50 game. Something that's a year or two old. I can pick those up for pretty cheap on Ebay. The only game I've played so far has been Gran Turismo 3. Anyone have a...
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    Component cable repair?

    I have a set of monster component cables for my tv. On one cable, the wire got ripped out of the connector. Anyone know if this repairable or not?
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    Wal-Mart (for or against?)

    I recently watched an episode of 20/20. They did a piece on greed and focussed on Wal-Mart's place in this topic. Surprisingly, the report was unbiased, if not leaning towards Wal-Mart being a good thing for Americans. They explained that the people who shop at Wal-mart are able to save a lot of...
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    Okay, so I'm an art, build-it, design-it type guy. Money is not my strong suit. I have a little money. I like money. And I'd like to have a little bit more. :) <br /><br />Right now, the only thing I have other than a money market aco****, is 401k. I would like to look into investing in the...
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    Winning lottery ticket bought w/ stolen credit card.

    Life can be so funny sometimes... :D <br /><br />
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    Stain on canvas boat cover

    I have a yellowish color, canvas boat cover. The cover has about an 8" circular stain from gas leaking out of the bleeder valve from the gas tank. I tried using dish soap and water to get the stain out, but it didn't help much. Any suggestions on what cleaner would work best for this?
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    Chilly outside, means Chili inside.

    It's blustery, windy and a little rainy outside. So,I decided to make my chili recipe today, along with some homemade bread. I'm letting the chili simmer for a few hours before my wife and I have it for dinner. Anyhow, I was browsing around on the internet looking at other chili recipes and...
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    thinking about switching to satellite tv (??)

    I have cable tv right now, but it's getting kinda pricey! One reason why I haven't tried satellite is because I also have hi-speed cable internet, but I want to look into other ways of getting internet service. Anyhow,<br />I'd like to opinions about satellite vs. cable tv if you have tried...
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    Fall fishing weather

    For the past several days, it's been unseasonbly warm here - mid 80's and muggy. Tomorrow will begin the start of strong cold front that'll bring the temp down into the 50s all the way through the weekend. If you had to make a guess, what will this do to the fish activity this weekend? During...
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    WOT question

    I usually run my boat consistently at WOT while going across the lake. My set-up is correct in that I do not exceed my max recommended RPMs of 5500 at WOT. I'm just curious to know if it's okay to generally run my motor at WOT when on plane or if doing that puts too much stress on the motor in...
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    Tax deduction question

    I do freelance graphic design work in my spare time. This year, I bought a new computer, printer and digital camera this year. All were purchased off of Ebay. I am wondering if I can still claim those purchases as deductions, even though they were purchased off Ebay. If I can, how do I go about...
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    Controversial sports team names

    jtexas posted on sports team names made me think of this...<br />I can't stand it when activist groups go too far to change something. Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI had a long-time tradition as being the Warriors. Then, it was considered disrespectful to Native Americans because...
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    Hot water heater troubles

    I'm only about a year into owning my home, so I am new to troubleshooting my appliances and such. A couple weeks ago my hot water stopped heating water. I hit the reset button and all was good until this morning. It stopped heating water again. I hit the reset button again and I'll have to wait...
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    Prop nut size for MG TM??

    The threads on my plastic prop nut that secures my MG TM prop to the motor shaft is stripped out. So, I need to buy a stopnut at the Hardware store to jerry-rig it until I get an actual replacement prop nut from online. Does anyone happen to know what size stop nut I need to get in order to fit...
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    I just got back from a 2-day camping/fishing trip. IIt's been a tought sumer here in WI, but this was probably my best days of fishing all year. I figured out a couple of good patterns on the Bass and caught quite a few of them. The lake also had many good bays packed with surface weeds and...
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    Stay 'n Charge

    This is a product you hook up to your vehicle to charge your marine batteries while towing your boat. Here's link: I'm trying to find out if this product really works and if it's worth buying or not. Anyone have one or have opinions about it? Is there any good...