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  1. ziggy

    how to get some web exposure

    wondering if anyone knows how to go about getting my biz on the www? it's a small biz and i'm sick and tired of giving the yellow pages 1k a month for advertising. i was thinking of perhaps a web page or the likes. but i have no idea how to go about doing this... anyone have a ideas?
  2. ziggy

    bad accident, dry water didn't help

    for all the comments on operation dry water. it didn't help these two poor souls. i missed this whole indecent by minutes. to bad too, cause there weren't many boats on the lake yet and i wished i could have helped. if i'd...
  3. ziggy

    models covered question

    i'm trying to help a fellow boater. actually, the uscg aux guy that gave me a nice safety inspection the other day (i passed). he was hoping to get the service manual for his boat. seems like the word is to confirm proper service manual by serial number. well, he has a 98 5.0 mercruiser. so i...
  4. ziggy

    trim system oil leak

    engine in sig. below. i've been having the oil leak (engine oil. both engine and trim system use engine oil on my rig. the oil leak is quite clean oil. engine oil is kinda dirty, trim system oil looks like new oil) blues. couldn't find it. well this is what i've come up with... this is a pic...
  5. ziggy


    if anyone likes the show flipper. it's available online now a days... they got some great underwater shots. great pics of drives underwater too. this is the ultimate family show for the boater i think. a good link for a family boating friendly iboats...
  6. ziggy

    no start at the lake today

    well, i got let down on sat. my first outing. no one to go out with me so went by myself. so i did the winterization thing last fall. i did the summerization thing on sat. morning. ya know. compression test, points, plugs (gapped by me @ .035"), condenser, cap, rotor. dwell at 32-33*. timing @...
  7. ziggy

    1 drive water hose install ?

    so i failed to get my water hose all the way on the nipple passing through the gimble housing last time. got me a kink over it. if i remember right, i put the hose on the bellhousing first last time. i believe i got the idea from reading the service manual. i've also recently read to put the...
  8. ziggy

    lower drive shaft concern

    a mercruiser 1 drive, listed in my sig. i have some wear patterns at the top of the splines of my drive shaft. i don't know what has caused them. the wear i'm talking about is on the outside edge of the end of the drive shaft splines. is this something i should be concerned about? ya...
  9. ziggy

    91 toyota pu blues

    hi, i've posted about my poor ol spent toyota pickup before... i swear this is still the same problem too. it's obviously a 91 toy pu. i believe the 22re 4 cyl. engine. auto. no air, no 4x4, no nothing. just a plain small pu. this problem has been going on so long i'll see if i can remember...
  10. ziggy

    water hose length revisited

    75, mercruiser 1 drive. i've replaced my water hose going between the bellhouseing and the gimble houseing once before. the replacement got a kink in it the first season. all i want to do is see the spec of the length of the hose in writing in a service manual. i can't find it. i use sm #2...
  11. ziggy

    water hose kink

    so this thread got me thinking... that's my water hose in the pic. i've been slow to go after the repair since to do it right it all has to come back apart...:( and then, i still gotta get that hose all the way on the nipple, which is the crux of...
  12. ziggy


    anyone know if there's a different version thats available? before ya click the link, be sure yer audio is on, ;)
  13. ziggy

    firewall question

    hi, ain't been gettin my iboats fix for the last day and a half. my zonealarm firewall really hosed me good.... i think i have it gone. being that i'm here, seems to be a good sign. now, my concern is. i don't have zonealarm for a firewall now. what do i need to get? i've got windows fire...
  14. ziggy

    this video puts a smile on me

    this has been posted before. was looking thru some bookmarks and thought i'd revive it in case someone else may enjoy it... enjoy. sure puts a smile on my face when i watch it...
  15. ziggy

    winter storing w/o drive ?

    i needed to do some work on my drive last fall. so it got stored inside last year. that worked good and since i had to pull it to do end of year pm anyways this year, i think i'll store it in the basement again. so the question. i used a regular plastic kitchen garbage bag bungeed onto the...
  16. ziggy

    block petcock

    anyone else dislike this idea? my L6 has one block drain. a stand off w/petcock. ya can't ream it out. i've learned that i get about 2.75 folgers coffee cans of water out of my block usually. seems to usually take about 1.75 gallons of antifreeze to fill the block. but it'd sure be nice to be...
  17. ziggy

    don't wait to long

    i did..... :( went out to the lake yesterday. felt the wheel brgs. nice and cool. today...... grrrrrrrrrrr. going out to the lake today, had me a farmer pull out from a side road. soon as he pulled out. he flashed his lights. i went about my way. 20 miles to the lake. thought he was...
  18. ziggy

    do you like high seas?

    i doubt i know what high seas are. but i like to go out when the white caps are out. 1-3 footers is ok with me. i've learned i can deal. does anyone else like the challenge? i do use reason. but i still go out when others chicken out. don't know if theys chickens or not. but there ain't no one...
  19. ziggy

    durablity of an aristocraft

    went out yesterday for a nice day at the lake. nice and calm and sunny. sweet. beached it at my favorite beach to camp at. SE corner of the local 2k sq. acre lake after night fell. this was a bad idea. winds came up in the middle of the night. high nw winds even. 15-40mph i guess. what a bummer...
  20. ziggy

    missouri river boating at night

    i'm feeling adventurous. theres been a new pedestrian walkway being constructed between omaha ne. and council bluffs ia. the last couple of years. the local newspaper says it's done now. it is gonna be dedicated this sat. eve. it will be called the bob kerry walkway i believe..... i'm thinking...