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  1. J

    My motor has me very UPSET!

    Well the troubles continue with my 35 hp mercury outboard peice of sh!t. First The motor would bog down so i took the carb off rebuilt it and the dripping stopped. Still no difference. Both marine shops were out of my manual i can't get one of the net no card. Then the choke broke and i had to...
  2. J

    Ok fellas need a little advice if you don't mind!

    Well the journey of the 14ft hull i got for 20 bucks has came to pass. I spent about 1,700 dollars on top quality supplies to make it perfect as i could and is a beautiful classic boat from the 1970's. I've gotton complement after complement and most has been '' they sure don't make em like that...
  3. J

    Have I found my problem??????

    Well folks the carb has been taken off and i cleaned it ne way even though it was as clean as a whistle to begin with. I got the rebuild kit and so on i repaired it. No leaks but still started about the same other than the air popping noises it made before aren't that bad ne more. Now this may...
  4. J

    Leak from spark plug??????

    Hey guys! My 85 35hp merc is leaking from 1 of the 2 spark plugs. The one at the top i notcied that oil/gas or whatever it is was running down. I didn't see it with my own eye but i could just see where it ran down, what does that mean? Am i just flooding it real bad or what. I've been trying to...
  5. J

    I rebuilt the carburetor but it still leaks! HELP

    I just rebuilt the carb and cleaned it. It was dirty at all and i got hardly any crud out of it with cleaner. I only needed to replace some gaskets. The bottom main nozzle screw and the throttle shaft from the bottom still is leaking and dripping. Should i replace the screw on the bottom or is...
  6. J

    I'm getting tired of this motor, please help!

    I just got it for 500.00 we went out 1 time and it ran great then it got worse and worse with the boging down and then shuttin off. I've gotton help from alot of poeple on the com here and freinds and calling around. I've got the fact that is could be gummed up or just need to be rebuilt so i...
  7. J

    Carburetor Kit?

    I got a 1985 35 hp merc. I think i may need to rebuild the carb and was just wondering how much and what is all included in the kit? Does it cover the whole carb or is it just gaskets? I know you guys can't say for sure how much they are but what do they usually run. I've looked but all i see is...
  8. J

    Outboard cleaner?

    I've posted on how my 85 35hp merc. stalls thens conks out when i try to give it power. I checked everything from taking the carb off first. The carb did not seem dirty at all, the pawn shop i bought it from must have gotton it cleaned. It's getting sparks and we put a little amount of teflan...
  9. J

    Need help with a compression question!

    Okay today i put new fuel filters in the main fuel line and on the gas tank. The carb i noticed is definalty drippin from the bottom of the carb out of a gasket. We put fresh gas and BOOM!! started perfect as a 85 35 hp merc can! We haven't taken it out though thats usually when it stalls out...
  10. J

    Please help! wot breakdown

    I've got a few problems with my 85 35hp merc. First the carb is leaking and i think it's a gasket and i really don't think it's the problem here. It is drippin from the bottom from a gasket so i figure i can get that. Here in lies the conflict. The motor starts in about 7 pulls the first time...
  11. J

    someone please help!

    I've posted about 2 times. I just have a carb leak and need a little help. My 85' merc 35hp has started dripping from the bottom from the main nozzle area. It's not a real bad drip but it has made a little puddle in the motor. The motor cranks and runs well. We squeezed the fuel alot in there...
  12. J

    Need help with carburetor, here's the leak!

    I think i have found why my motor hasn't been fully cooperative. I put new sparks plugs in it and it fired up easier than before but i noticed that smoke was coming out of the propeller more than usual, not much but just enough to catch my eye. I notcied than fuel-oil was leaky out the motor...
  13. J

    How do i clean carbs?

    I've read about carb in almost every post i've searched through. I've said many time i don't know s$it about motors. How do i clean the carbs, where is it at. I have a 35 hp merc 85 and sometimes it will try to die out when i give it full power put when it rests for a min. it starts again. No...
  14. J

    Whats up with my motor?

    I just got this motor and it runs pretty well all in all. I noticed that sometimes when i power it up that it will try to die out and i'll rev it down and it's fine. It has stopped a couple times and i let it sit and it fired up. I haven't changed the plugs yet that could be it. But i've notcied...
  15. J

    Mercury 35 outboard questions

    I have a 1985 35 hp merc. It runs pretty good but i have notcied a few things and am dumb to motors so need a little help. First, i tried to put it in reverse and the motor starting jumping kinda hopping so i stopped. Then i notcied that when i open it up sometimes it will rev up real high and...
  16. J

    Finding Parts

    How hard is it to find parts for a 1985 35 hp mercury? Also could anyone give me any info on the compression it should have and how to do it? Thanks jag
  17. J

    Urgent! please need help

    Hey something seems very wrong with my boat. I just got done rebuilding a 14ft tri-hull that i got as salvage. I glassed it well foam filled the entire boat hull evenly with foam. The back did not have enough depth to quite get the amount of foam that i got in the front but still on a even line...
  18. J

    Need help with my mercury 35 hp, please!

    I just bought a 35 hp merc. with the serial no# 08149149 and need some help with the year. Also, i'm kinda new to outboards and have no idea what the fuel/oil ratio is for it. And when i tried to start it i think it was reved up to much and i almost blew it up, can anyone tell me which way i...
  19. J

    bilge pump help please!

    The fiberglass 14ft v-hull i just finished now needs a bilge pump installed. Now i only have 1 drain hole in the back/bottom of my transom for my plug. So could i just fit the bilge in it and marine caulk around it and just keep it like that!<br />any tips are welcomed thnaks! josh
  20. J

    What year is my 35 mercury!

    Hey guys! Ijust bought a 35 horse mercury from a pawn shop and i have the serial number just don't know the age/year. My serial number is 08149149 and the year area was not viewable. Also i know nothing about outboards and i plan on doing alot of salt water fishin and was wondering how hard is...