List the classic "OOPS" while boating

AMD Rules

Lieutenant Commander
Sep 23, 2004
Re: List the classic "OOPS" while boating

#25 Assuming a framing nail makes a suitable prop cotter pin. (on the largest/coldest fresh water lake in the world....mother Superior)


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: List the classic "OOPS" while boating

I've done #8 a lot and #13 once, but I hit and did it running . . . :eek: <br /><br />Cleaning up a spilled Coke and almost ran into a jetty at about 1200 RPM. Boating partner whistled just in time and caught my attention. If he doesn't whistle I hit it hard, as it took everything in reverse AND a friend shoving off the bow at the last second.

Reel Poor

Vice Admiral
Jan 29, 2005
Re: List the classic "OOPS" while boating

Beach the boat at high tide, and cant get it off the beach at low tide. :eek: <br /><br />Forget to put gas in the boat BEFORE you get to the launch.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 28, 2003
Re: List the classic "OOPS" while boating

Take off full throttle after forgetting to pull the trolling motor up......more than once in the last few years. You wouldn't believe the amount of water that sprays over the bow when this happens. Gives you a good wetting.....LOL <br /><br />Feeling lucky that trolling motor shafts are so well made these days.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 28, 2003
Re: List the classic "OOPS" while boating

Another oops....while we are still on the subject.<br /><br />Took the boys back to our fishing camp for the weekend last month. The camp is about 15 miles back in the swamps accessible only by boat. Got there around 7:00 PM or so on Friday night, unloaded the boat, got things set up in the camp, and started cutting as much of the grass as we could before it got too dark.<br /><br />Around 9:45 PM (well after dark), we decided to go out and set our catfish lines. We put on our life jackets and walked about 50 feet to where the boat was tied in front of the camp. I bent over and untied the boat from around the 1.5 inch pipe driven in the ground, grabbed the rope, and took a few steps in the dark towards the boat. It was then I noticed I was holding nothing but empty rope....there was not a boat on the other end. I shined my light downstream and saw the boat about 50 yards or so slowly floating away. <br /><br />I had put a hook on the boat end of the rope last year so I could remove the rope easily if I so desired. The hook had a safety clasp, which now was bent over to the side, probably by the bow of the boat rubbing on the bank. Of course, with no safety clasp the hook managed to work itself free, setting the boat adrift.<br /><br />I was so surprised you could have knocked me over with a stick. The boys looked at me and asked what were we going to do? I said well...........<br /><br />There was another camp about 100 yards upstream from us on the opposite bank. There were no boats there when we passed it on the way to our camp but I knew that someone must be there that weekend because we saw lights on and that meant their generator was running. I told the boys to start hollering and hopefully someone will be there and hear us.<br /><br />So we hollered and hollered for about 30 minutes and also during that time I shot my pistol in a series of 3 shots several times (supposed to be a distress signal). Finally after about 40 minutes total we saw a light heading our way.<br /><br />A man pulled up and I told him what happened. He started laughing and said that had happened to him a few times during his years on the water. He said he had heard all of the hollering and shooting but had first thought we were just getting drunk and having a good time (good ole Louisiana After it continued for over 30 minutes he said he thought he had better come on down and see what all the noise was about. <br /><br />He gave me a ride and we found my boat on the opposite bank about 150 yards downstream. I climbed in the boat, started it, and returned to the camp. We had a few laughs about it and I thanked the man for the ride. <br /><br />I suppose that if he had not come to help, we probably could have flagged someone down the next morning. There is always one or two boats that pass that way during the day but not many. I wasn't worried that the boat would drift too far as the bayou ends about a half mile downstream. I was a little concerned that some fool would come down the bayou hauling a@@ at night and hit my boat before he would see it or be able to slow down. I did think about swimming after the boat but there are some big gators in the area and I decided I didn't want to take the chance of being mistaken in the total darkness for a big nutria or beaver swimming down the middle of the bayou. Luckily all turned out well. <br /><br />The hook got cut off, the rope tied on the bow handle with a good tight knot, and we ended up having a great weekend. <br /><br />Fishing was good, the boys had a great time, and we all had a good "fishing tale" to tell.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Aug 4, 2002
Re: List the classic "OOPS" while boating

Forgot 300lb mother-in-law...


Seaman Apprentice
May 23, 2005
Re: List the classic "OOPS" while boating

#13, (forgetting to raise trim) the first day i put my sea ray out. Ripped a very respectable chunk of the skeg off...woops.<br /><br />#5 (bow strap still attached) often


Fleet Admiral
Aug 19, 2001
Re: List the classic "OOPS" while boating

Forgetting to untie the springline when leaving the dock. Pulled a cleat right out of the deck of the boat. Dangit...


Aug 12, 2003
Re: List the classic "OOPS" while boating

forget to securely latch trailer to ball hitch<br /><br />that was one of those 'did you lock the hitch?' moments...neither of us had. we didn't even get fully out of the driveway before it popped off.<br /><br />forget to unplug trickle charger from wall socket...haha, my cord wasn't THAT long


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 12, 2004
Re: List the classic "OOPS" while boating

HA HA HA HA.....Mr Bill now that was funny!!! Are you sure that wasn't on purpose? I about fell out of my chair, because there have been many times I have thought about leaving my inlaw at the dock. Anyway thanks for the laugh! I have done most of what everyone else done, but this past monday for the first time I tried leaving a cove with my kids on the tube. I didn't get very far before I realized I hadn't brought the anchor up! I was thinking maybe I should put the kids on diets or something.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 17, 2004
Re: List the classic "OOPS" while boating

Done everything except 2, 6, 7 and 10.<br /><br />#22...had steering cable/helm replaced and didn't test until got to lake. Found it wierd backing up that went the wrong way. Then figured out as soon as in forward that helm was in backwards. Steering was opposite.<br /><br />Spent the day (on a calm, not-busy lake) steering backwards. Basically taught myself to "steer towards trouble" and the boat went the opposite way. Fixed that evening.

Vlad D Impeller

Mar 30, 2005
Re: List the classic "OOPS" while boating

Lets see <br />1. Got to the ramp then remembered that i forgot to install the batteries.<br /><br />2. Got about 200 yards out then i remembered about the plug.<br /><br />3.Forgot the kill switch quite a few times.<br /><br />4. Forgot cell phone in pocket while changing prop in 4ft of water.<br /><br />5. Reached the fishing hole and the tackle box stayed behind in the truck bed, luckily it was still there when i went back for it.<br /><br />There's a couple more but LF might read it and i'll never live it down ;)


Jun 16, 2004
Re: List the classic "OOPS" while boating

Forgetting to hook up the gas line before starting the engine.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 27, 2002
Re: List the classic "OOPS" while boating

Yup, done pretty much all of them and...<br /><br />#25 - Forgot to raise the tongue jack before driving off.


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 12, 2003
Re: List the classic "OOPS" while boating

Forgot to open the tank vent.<br /><br />*Almost* forgot the plug. Had to wave like a maniac to stop my dad from backing down the ramp.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 20, 2005
Re: List the classic "OOPS" while boating

Walked all the way to parking area for the truck and truck keys were in the boat. :rolleyes:


Oct 6, 2003
Re: List the classic "OOPS" while boating

My friend dropped his truck keys in the crapper (Johnny On The Spot) That was incredibilly funny....from my perspective. Ugh

pine island fred

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Dec 20, 2002
Re: List the classic "OOPS" while boating

Just did the backward steering hook up yesterday. Did not check it out till the boat was under way. Crossing had to be made so i tried to adapt. Worked out ok until the afternoon t-storm came up. Made for an interesting crossing. Will not do that again. FRED


Rear Admiral
Jun 27, 2004
Re: List the classic "OOPS" while boating

1. After locking the coupler onto the trailer ball (key for the coupler lock was on the floating keychain that contained keys for the boat and spare tire etc.) my dad put the keys on the bumper and forgot about them when we pulled out of the driveway...anyways they remained on the bumper from our house to the boat launch at Winnebago (about an hour and 15min away). No one noticed until they fell off as we backed in the boat.<br /><br />2. Forgot to inspect anchor was so badly feyed the line snapped as we threw the anchor in. Learned its impossible to hold a tri-hull in sand with one anchor.<br /><br />3.Hooked up batter wrong...took awhile to figure out why the starter was spinning bacwards.<br /><br />4.Driver of truck didn't let us clear the docking line. line hit trailor guides, rope flies out of my hands, and boat floats away. driver of truck noticed nothing.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 16, 2005
Re: List the classic "OOPS" while boating

forgot to put bimini top down so it would fit under my canopy in the yard (crunch!) :confused: