Mild rotten floor in anchor compartment UPDATE


Seaman Apprentice
Sep 2, 2001
Good Morning All! On my ocean boat I have just discovered that the bottom of my anchor compartment has a little bit of rot in it. However due to the location I can not just cut it out and redo. I was wondering if I could just glass over it and bring it up on the sides for a more rigid effect. If so what material and procedures are required for this? I have never done any glass work and quite honestly have always wanted to try it. Any ideas??<br /><br />Thanks,<br />Tim<br /><br />PS This area is only about 2foot by 2foot


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Mild rotten floor in anchor compartment UPDATE

Sure you Can,...........<br /><br />But,.....<br /><br />If the Rot,.. Isn't Removed,.... It'll Grow......


Seaman Apprentice
Sep 2, 2001
Re: Mild rotten floor in anchor compartment UPDATE

Thanks for the quick replys!! I know the right way to do this is the cut out the rot. However I have a weird situation on my hands. In order to access the floor in this compartment I think the deck cap would have to be removed. There is only a small opening like 18 inches by 12 inches. If I was to cut out the rotted floor I run the risk of it dropping into the bilge for lack of a better word. Then I would not be able to put the new floor back in in one piece due to the opening dimentions of the hatch. What to do what to do????? I know this is impossible to answer but if I just went over it what time frame of life would I get out of the repair?<br /><br />Once again Thanks!!!<br /><br />Tim


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Mild rotten floor in anchor compartment UPDATE

Well,......<br /><br />Here's a Thought,.. My Work-around for a Sight,.. Unseen..........<br /><br />Put several Screws into the offending piece,....Attach several Strings, Wires, Whatever to be able to Retreive the pieces should they Fall........Cut around it,+ into several pieces if nessessary.........<br /><br />Attach a couple of small pieces of plywood, around the perimeter, to form a Shelf for the New pieces to sit on(notice I said Pieces).........<br />Then you could install the New Repair pieces thru your access,+ Epoxy them back into a Solid Piece....................


Rear Admiral
Apr 9, 2005
Re: Mild rotten floor in anchor compartment UPDATE

The man is a veritable genius! That is a great idea Bondo.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Mild rotten floor in anchor compartment UPDATE

Ayuh,........<br /><br />And Now my Head won't Fit into My Cap.......... :D :D


Seaman Apprentice
Sep 2, 2001
Re: Mild rotten floor in anchor compartment UPDATE

Great idea guys!! Let me ask this question...I said it is rot but to be honest with you it might not be. I have not see the rot, kind of just called it this for lack of a better word. The floor is slightly loose if you push on it. There is a seam where it meets the vertical support and that is where it has cracked. I am not sure how the factory made this connection originally. Whats your thoughts.<br /><br />Thank,<br />Tim


Rear Admiral
Apr 9, 2005
Re: Mild rotten floor in anchor compartment UPDATE

Without seeing it I can't say. However, if it's wet and it's not rotten yet... just give it time and it will be. Anything wet has got to go. I suppose it's possible it has just "come loose" but you'll never know until you get in there. Try drilling a hole and stick something in it to check for moisture.


Seaman Apprentice
Sep 2, 2001
Re: Mild rotten floor in anchor compartment UPDATE

Ok hole is drilled....dry regular wood shaving on drill bit. I am taking this as good news. Let me add while drilling down there I pushed pretty hard on the floor in other locations and it hard as a rock. Let me also add that last week while testing boat I hit a wave pretty hard and normally I keep a cushion under the anchor it self to keep it from bouncing off of floor. This might be when it happened.<br /><br />My idea:<br />Sand area with like 80 grit paper<br />Clean with solvant<br />Mix Resin<br />Brush resin on affected area<br />place new glass into resin<br />Roll out with roller<br />Coat top of glass with more resin<br />Paint to match <br /><br />Good idea or bad idea...I have thick skin so dont be bashful, like I said never done this before but would love to try it.<br /><br />Thanks<br />Tim


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Nov 24, 2004
Re: Mild rotten floor in anchor compartment UPDATE

I say go for it. If it is wet put a fan on it to dry it. You might want to do a flood coat with diluted resin on the wood before glassing. Glass does not do hard corners well. Might want to put a radius on the corners. How does it drain if water gets in?


Fleet Admiral
Apr 28, 2002
Re: Mild rotten floor in anchor compartment UPDATE

My idea is to leave it alone. I have the same problem in my 23'er. The little rotten piece has no load place upon it and carries no load. It is behind an access door so nobody can see it. I have enough to do with what really needs to get done.


Rear Admiral
Apr 9, 2005
Re: Mild rotten floor in anchor compartment UPDATE

The problem with ignoring rot is that it doesn't ignore you. It will grow and grow until it is a big problem. Fix it now while it is cheap and affordable.<br /><br />Dusky: The dry shavings are great news indeed. Did you drill in the center of the loose area? It is possible that the fiberglass just delaminated from the wood there and presents no real problem. Since you gotta cover that hole no matter what, I would maybe do one more "exploratory surgery" and if you find dry wood again just fiberglass the whole thing and don't worry about it.<br /><br />You said this is in the bottom of the anchor compartment. Maybe after the repair put a little foam or a big towel or something in there to absorb the shock of the anchor dropping on it/ absorb the water from the anchor.


Seaman Apprentice
Sep 2, 2001
Re: Mild rotten floor in anchor compartment UPDATE

Update 03-10-06......<br />Well my one hole that I drilled must have been the only good wood in that section. I took your advise and did some exploring and found the following:<br /><br />Appears that plywood delaminated from the glass or itself. Its very wet and what I would call rot! Last night I tore out the small section of glass to find this board just kind of hanging there. The bottom of this compartment is in a triangle shape and a new piece of wood will eaisly fit in for the repair. However, this is the bad news, This same piece of wood also goes towards the stearn about 3 feet. It feels like this has also delaminated :( . But the good news if theres any at all is this is just the floor to my life jacket locker that never supports any weight. Unfortunatly there is NO WAY to get to this wood so I hate to say this but it is going to have to stay! I will cut old stuff from anchor box and my new updated plan is below:<br /><br />Remove old glass and wood from anchor box<br />Sand Area with 80 grit<br />Install a small shelf with wood coated with resin<br />Install cut to fit wood resin coated for new bottom<br />Resin and glass entire work area<br />Paint with matching paint<br />Go Fishing<br />Drink beer!<br /><br />What do you think??<br /><br />Tim


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Mild rotten floor in anchor compartment UPDATE

Sounds like a Plan,..........<br /><br />Especially the Go Fishing part........


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 20, 2006
Re: Mild rotten floor in anchor compartment UPDATE

There may be another source of water causing the rot because last week's boat incident should't have cause rotting so quickly, IMHO.


Seaman Apprentice
Sep 2, 2001
Re: Mild rotten floor in anchor compartment UPDATE

No doubt it has been there for a while. I think the jolt just made it obvious. I have already cut the new piece of wood and have resin on it now. Tomorrow I will put it in and glass it so that shout take care of it. Keep your fingers crossed!!!<br /><br /><br />Tim


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Mild rotten floor in anchor compartment UPDATE

Tim,....<br />Does the Anchor Locker have a Drain in it,.???<br /><br />You might need to add 1 that drains to the bilge.......


Seaman Apprentice
Sep 2, 2001
Re: Mild rotten floor in anchor compartment UPDATE

Good Morning Gentlemen!! <br />Yes this compartment has a drain hole in it. I did the repair this weekend and I must say it turned out almost perfect. All I need to do now is get the matching paint for it and it will look like new again. I must admit this was pretty easy to do. The only issue I had was me being a bone head and not wearing gloves at first. i ended up with a tad bit of resin on my fingertips then proceded to cut the glass. Well long story short my fingertips looked like a porky pine!! Lesson learned. This project was so easy i am going to tackle a bigger one in a fish box with similar issues. Thanks for all the great advise and I will try to post some before and after pics once its painted.<br /><br /><br />Tim