looking for 4.3l wiring diagram, 1997 gl motor.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 16, 2004
picked up a real project boat, motor out and in pieces. wires cut, and replacement wires run outside of the harness. i got the engine together & installed & remarkable cranking from the key but no spark & no fuel pump. 1 wire in question is a purple one from the coil area. the coil wires are cut & spliced and there is no oil pressure switch/wiring so i know that is 1 red flag. so ,if anyone has a wiring diagram i can view, id appreciate it


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 18, 2008
I could be wrong but I have a 1998 4.3 GL and I think the purple wire is the the hot lead from the ignition switch that powers the ignition coil. I also think it enables the fuel pump relay to operate also. When the engine is cranking, the starter provides the power to the fuel pump. When the engine starts, the alternator is the fuel pump power supply. I think if you trace the purple wire from the ignition switch, it first goes to the emergency kill switch, then to the fuse panel. Dave-R

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
wiring colors are standard. wire schematic is in factory manual

start here to download your manual http://www.volvopenta.com/marineleisure/en-en/for-owners/your-engine/manuals---handbooks.html
BlackGroundNegative / Neutral Main Return
Blue-StripeTilt up and or trim outTilt and or trim circuits
BrownAlternator Charge LightGenerator Terminal or Alternator Auxiliary Terminal to Regulator
Generator ArmatureGenerator Armature to Regulator
PumpsCircuit Breaker or Switch to Pumps
Brown w/YellowBilge BlowersCircuit Breaker or Switch to Blower
Dark BlueCabin & InstrumentCircuit Breaker or Switch to Lights
Green or Green w/Yellow StripeBonding SystemGrounding Wires (if insulated)
Green StripeTilt down and/or trim inTilt and or trim circuits
GreyNavigation LightsCircuit Breaker or Switch to Lights
TachometerTachometer Sender to Gauge
Lt. BlueOil PressureOil Pressure Sender to Gauge
OrangeAccessory FeedAmmeter to Alternator or Generator
Common FeedDistribution Panel to Accessory Switch
FeedAccessory Circuit Breakers or Switches
PinkFuel GaugeFuel Gauge Sender to Gauge
PurpleIgnitionIgnition Switch to Coil & Electrical Instrument
Instrument FeedDistribution Panel Electrical Instruments
RedInstrument FeedDistribution Panel to Electrical Instruments
Power FeedsPositive Main Power (particularly un-fused)
TanWater temperatureWater temperature sender to gauge
YellowGenerator FieldGenerator to Regulator Field Terminal
GroundNegative / Neutral Main Return
Yellow w/RedStarting CircuitStarting Switch to Solenoid


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
Have GL diagrams for GL A thru E for V8 but would be the same for V6

VP wiring Panel.jpg

VP wiring GL_B.jpg


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 16, 2004
Have GL diagrams for GL A thru E for V8 but would be the same for V6

hey alldodge, thanks for the diagram, any chance you have the descriptions for the 1st diagram, identifying what each number corresponds to like the second ?