2007 Toyota Tacoma w/Rusted Frame


May 20, 2007
My truck now leaks rusty water onto my new garage floor whenever I drive it in the rain. The rusty water is coming from the weep holes at 4 locations in the frame. This truck has 22,188 miles on it and is 2 1/2 years old. The dealer told me that this should not be happening, but they didn't know what to do about it.
It is now in the hands of Toyota reps so I'm waiting to hear. I also filed a complaint with the NHTSB and am also going to get my State Attorney General's office involved.
Very disgusted and have vowed to never buy another Toyota Truck.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 21, 2009
Re: 2007 Toyota Tacoma w/Rusted Frame

I remember reading an article about some truck??? that was recalled due to rusting problems in the frame, I dont know if its yours or not, google rusting frame recall.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 22, 2009
Re: 2007 Toyota Tacoma w/Rusted Frame

That is horrible I'm guessing this is a box type frame. I mean surface rust is one thing but I recall hearing a rusty frame truck buy back or something ?
2007 tho I doubt its going to break in half unless that metal is very thin ?

I think they will make it right for you, I had a friend soured on a Yota he bought a Yota Sienna for that Yota reliability and he never changed the oil or did anything to the thing and when it sludged itself to death at 50k he was surprised it died "because it was a Yota and he bought the Yota just because they did not break down"
Yota made it right and installed a $5k engine into the van, 2 months later I guess the cat was bad and he had a check engine light and Yota would not replace that so he traded in a van with a new motor and he was 3/4's of the way done paying on for a whole new payment on a fricken KIA van. :confused:

My point is they all very complex mechanical wonders and many have little quirks that will require fixin from time to time.


May 20, 2007
Re: 2007 Toyota Tacoma w/Rusted Frame

I don't mind fixing things from time to time, but to have rusty water drain from the frame after 2 1/2 years and only 22,188 miles is an entirely different story.
The Toyota rusted frames issue has involved 1995-2002 tacoma's and 2000-2005 Tundra's.
From the looks of my frame Toyota will soon be forced to recall 2007 Tacoma's.
So far the offer from the dealer is to undercoat the frame. When I asked how they would get rid of the rust prior to the undercoating, they stated they would undercoat right over top of it.
The factory coating is so thin it doesn't protect anything.


Dec 21, 2004
Re: 2007 Toyota Tacoma w/Rusted Frame

The Toyota rusted frames issue has involved 1995-2002 tacoma's and 2000-2005 Tundra's.
From the looks of my frame Toyota will soon be forced to recall 2007 Tacoma's.

I wouldn't use the word "soon" if I were you. It took them 14 years to recall the 1995s! So expect to get your notice in 2021. In the meatime, maybe Ford, Dodge, and Chevy don't look so bad? Their frames don't rust out and their rear brakes might even adjust themselves?


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 14, 2008
Re: 2007 Toyota Tacoma w/Rusted Frame

Yeah, the issue with the '95-04 trucks was bad, but could have been worse. I know some owners that sold their's back and ended up good money-wise. My grandparents have a '01 that was coated by the dealer. The job they did looks great.

At any rate, as far as Toyota trucks go, I have a '94 that I bought new that has been the best vehicle that I have ever owned. It has seen plenty of road salt. Heck, I park 50 feet from the town's salt storage shed everynight. She doesn't have a bit of rust on her anywhere.

Jeep Man

Oct 17, 2008
Re: 2007 Toyota Tacoma w/Rusted Frame

I'm not meaning to sound like I'm siding with Toyota, but if I lived in NY state, as it is in Ontario, road salt and moist climate is a reality, therefore rustproofing a new vehicle would be a must. Proper treatment would coat the inside of the frame and all body panels, probably preventing what is happening now.
Also, you didn't mention if you are parking in a heated or unheated garage. Heated garages are a death sentence for vehicles in this climate.


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 14, 2008
Re: 2007 Toyota Tacoma w/Rusted Frame

Yeah, but if his Toyota's owner's manual is like mine, it tells you not to apply aftermarket rust proofing. The manual says the truck has all that it needs.


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: 2007 Toyota Tacoma w/Rusted Frame

My truck now leaks rusty water onto my new garage floor whenever I drive it in the rain. The rusty water is coming from the weep holes at 4 locations in the frame. This truck has 22,188 miles on it and is 2 1/2 years old. The dealer told me that this should not be happening, but they didn't know what to do about it.
It is now in the hands of Toyota reps so I'm waiting to hear. I also filed a complaint with the NHTSB and am also going to get my State Attorney General's office involved.
Very disgusted and have vowed to never buy another Toyota Truck.

You are complaining to anyone who will listen. It is still under the warranty and if they are valid concerns I am sure proper actions will be taken. Your dealer agree's with you and it is in the hands of the Toyota Reps which is the proper thing. Your dealer did not build your truck ..... Toyota did. I highly doubt it is a NHTSA issue at this point but, you have that right. Did you complain to the NY State Attorney General's office because NY State is using corrosive salt on the roadway? Maybe it is the State of NY's fault!

Good Luck.


Lieutenant Commander
Apr 19, 2008
Re: 2007 Toyota Tacoma w/Rusted Frame

My truck now leaks rusty water onto my new garage floor whenever I drive it in the rain. The rusty water is coming from the weep holes at 4 locations in the frame. This truck has 22,188 miles on it and is 2 1/2 years old. The dealer told me that this should not be happening, but they didn't know what to do about it.
It is now in the hands of Toyota reps so I'm waiting to hear. I also filed a complaint with the NHTSB and am also going to get my State Attorney General's office involved.
Very disgusted and have vowed to never buy another Toyota Truck.

Dang man... stop crying. Toyota is offering to undercoat the truck and make it right? Good for them and you. If I lived any further up North I would have mine coated when it was new. I don't think you need to get the NHTSB or the State Attorney involved....lmao!


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 14, 2009
Re: 2007 Toyota Tacoma w/Rusted Frame

Yeah , if yer that upset , sell the dang thing....lol


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 13, 2008
Re: 2007 Toyota Tacoma w/Rusted Frame

I'll give you $2000 for it right now, and you won't ever have to see it again! ;)


Seaman Apprentice
Oct 6, 2007
Re: 2007 Toyota Tacoma w/Rusted Frame

Usually the factory undercoating sucks on those cars well in most cars I guess so you usually have to either pay another $200 I believe to get another spray down of under coating from the dealer or do it your self unfortunatly.. Also living up North with all that salt it is always a good idea to wash the underneath of your car..


May 20, 2007
Re: 2007 Toyota Tacoma w/Rusted Frame

I'll give you $2000 for it right now, and you won't ever have to see it again! ;)

Thanks for the offer, I'll let you know. Make sure you check your inbox every hour until you hear from me.:rolleyes:


May 20, 2007
Re: 2007 Toyota Tacoma w/Rusted Frame

As per the Toyota FTS, my Tacoma is experiencing normal rust associated with the salt used on the roads. He further claimed that any 2 year old truck that is used in the upstate area would have rusty water leak out of the frame weep holes whenever it is subjected to water.
So much for Toyota standing behind their products.
I will now be continueing my claims with the NHTSB as well as the NYS Attorney Generals Office.
If anyone has any other ideas for me to get Toyota to fix this, I would love to hear from you.
I have also contacted my local media in an effort to get some public attention on the problem.


Lieutenant Commander
Apr 19, 2008
Re: 2007 Toyota Tacoma w/Rusted Frame

Toyotas are great aren't they?

I love mine! I think you'll find more people who love there Toyota's rather than people who hate them. The haters all seem to be folks who either have never owned one or folks who work for a union. The lovers are folks who want to get in there vehicle and go somewhere without having rattles, break-downs, and horrible resale value... ;)


Mar 16, 2007
Re: 2007 Toyota Tacoma w/Rusted Frame

I just put a new timing chain and guides in my father in laws '94 Toyota base model pickup. 150,000 miles still going strong. LOL it's still got the original spark plugs in it. That being said...I drive Chevys. Got 178,000 on my '01 2500 hd.


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 13, 2008
Re: 2007 Toyota Tacoma w/Rusted Frame

When I was shopping for an SUV, I had my eyes set on a 4runner, simply because they have amazing reviews for reliability, ride quality, interior.. darn near every category was an A+ in most reviews. Of course, that also seems to mean they cost a bloody fortune to buy, even years old. I ended up with a Chevy Blazer because they have cheap resale, but I'll always have a soft spot for the 4runner I didn't get.