yamaha 225 four stroke


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 23, 2008
My Unlce has a yamaha 4 stroke 225 that started and idled fine for about 15 min then started to what seemed like miss and buck then died. I got it to restart but then it idles for a second then starts to drop in rpms then it starts to pop like it is lean sneezing then dies. Some times it will keep running but the rpms are too low then after a little while it dies. I found a line on the top of the engine that looks like a breather for the oil that was split so I changed that and cleaned up the oil but it still continues to pop buck and stall. If I disengage the shift and rev the engine up it will run fine. I'm at a loss and I'd really like to get this engine running so I can go fishing seeing I'm at his place in va and will be leaving tues.​


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 26, 2008
Re: yamaha 225 four stroke

Is that motor run often? Is there a water fuel separator that may need changed? Are there vst filter issues? Is there a stabilizer being used with the fuel?
Those are just a few places to start. The sneezing is indicative of a lean run condition, fuel starvation. Good luck!


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 23, 2008
Re: yamaha 225 four stroke

Is that motor run often? Is there a water fuel separator that may need changed? Are there vst filter issues? Is there a stabilizer being used with the fuel?
Those are just a few places to start. The sneezing is indicative of a lean run condition, fuel starvation. Good luck!

It has been in the shop for other issues but they were fixed. He ran it 3 times recently with no problems. There is a water fuel separator in there I might try changing that. I don't know anything about the vst filter. He always uses fuel stabilizer.​


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: yamaha 225 four stroke

I hate to tell you to go to plan B for the weekend but your describing the classic symptoms of a clogged VST or injectors.
the high presure pump inlet screen is about the size of your fingernaail and clogs easily.
when you turn the key to off do you hear a distinct rattle lasting 1-2 seconds.


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 23, 2008
Re: yamaha 225 four stroke

I found that the gas had phase separated. I pumped out what was bad and started it on good stuff and idled good. We haven't taken it out yet to really run it. that will be tomorrow. The injectors were just replaced and the tank supposedly emptied and then cleaned out. I hear a clicking for 1-2 seconds after the key is turned off​


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: yamaha 225 four stroke

be aware that you can replace the injectors at breakfast and replace them again at lunch if you reintroduce debris to the system.
as long as the idle is stable and top speed(RPM) can be reached you may have dodged a bullit.
if it phase seperated discard the ENTIRE fuel tanks contents.
once phase seperated the remaining base stock octane will be 70 or below and the F225 does NOT have a knock detect sensor.
any octane fuel below about 80 will most likly warrenty piston/valve failure.
this is an issue we fight daily anymore.


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 23, 2008
Re: yamaha 225 four stroke

it starts right up an idles nicely. I'll know more after tomorrow when we acutally run it.​


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: yamaha 225 four stroke

google phase seperation E-10 marine.
read and heed.
if your fuel has actually phase seperated and you attempt to run you may have a lot of Aluminium for sale at about 18 cents a pound.
that clicking is the ISC valve resetting for the next start cycle. means the ECU shutdown sequence and the valve pintle are doing what they should.


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 23, 2008
Re: yamaha 225 four stroke

I know I want to drain the entire tank but my uncle doesn't. It will cost him $7 a gallon to get recycled. and has about 40-50 gallons of it in the boat.​


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: yamaha 225 four stroke

new powerhead from yamaha and 2 new cylinder heads are just a tad over 8000 and takes about 19 hours to replace.
your call but show him what ya googled.
if you were here I could most likly get it gone for free.
if you have commercial crabbers in your area ask one if he wants some gas to thin the tar to dip pots.
most will take it home for free.
thats how I have unloaded about 2000 gallons this summer for free.


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 23, 2008
Re: yamaha 225 four stroke

yeah there are commercial crabbers here that might be willing to take it. I hope I can convince him to drain it. actually I'm in the southern va area​


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: yamaha 225 four stroke

be aware that the chesapeake,norfolk and northeastern NC areas have had some issues with to much ethanol in the fuel blend in the past few months.
VA DOT says they are investigating but wont release station or supplier information.
my guess is they will sit on it till the flack goes away and the poor suckers with cars and boats that were damaged will just suck it up and go on.
my cousin towed some vehicles that had over 50% ethanol in the fuel and had stalled and 2 with ethanol in the mid 20% range with damaged engines and valves.
he does cars, I stay with marine.
the virginian pilot made a big spalsh about it a few weeks ago then all info dried up.
I figure the govt will quietly ignore it as it only affected a couple hundred that can be proven.


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 23, 2008
Re: yamaha 225 four stroke

Now after telling him this we are gonna hook up a 6 gallon can and run it to the marina to have the tank pumped then refill it. The marinas in the area said they are all back to non ethanol fuel after that incident.​


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: yamaha 225 four stroke

the non ethanol I would have to test for myself.
several test kits are availible online and from Briggs and Stratton.
federal mandate pretty much says you will have a oxygenate in the fuel and MTBE is federally banned.
doesnt leave much but ethanol.


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 23, 2008
Re: yamaha 225 four stroke

hmm I might have to test that myself about the ethanol. He doesn't keep the tank full of gas so that is a big problem well was a problem he says he is gonna keep the tank full now.​


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: yamaha 225 four stroke

if your running E fuels keep the tank as empty as possible.
Ethanol can hold almost 2/3rds its volume in water and WILL simply absorb it from the atmosphere through the tank vent.
dunno what size tank ya got but you mentioned 50 gallons.
means 5 gallons of alchohol means about 2 gallons of water absorbed from the atmosphere.
wont happen if you turn that fuel weekly will happen if you let it sit a month or so.
did you actually google anyting and read it


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 23, 2008
Re: yamaha 225 four stroke

he doesn't run the boat that often so I guess keeping the minimum amount of fuel in the tank is better. I have another issue. I noticed oil in the cowling so I took that plastic flywheel cover off and found a line that was split. (looking from the boat back to the engine, its the short one under the flywheel on the left that was leaking oil) I replaced that with a piece of fuel line because I couldn't find the proper line to use. now I have oil dripping from under the back of the engine but then engine oil level doesn't drop. IDK if it is residual oil from the leak that is finally dripping down or if he has a leak somewhere.​