How much does it cost you per boat trip?


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 4, 2008
Today I was writing down what I needed in order to have a good fun day of boating, possibly overnight anchor too. After adding up everything I was amazed at how much I spend per trip.

Don't forget to factor in...
Ramp Fee's
Tow vehicle gas
Bags of ice?

After I added all mine up, including 80$ for a days worth of gas, it came to about 180$ per trip. SO, How much does it cost you??


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 2, 2009
Re: How much does it cost you per boat trip?

Sounds like:

Beer... $10
Gas... $20
A day on the lake enjoying life... $Priceless :)


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Apr 25, 2007
Re: How much does it cost you per boat trip?

it depends If we go to the local lake around 60 bucks if we travel to the chesapeake bay for the weekend then were talking around 700 bucks.Out of that 700 bucks 500 is for fuel for the boat and tow vechile


Lieutenant Commander
Feb 28, 2009
Re: How much does it cost you per boat trip?

we usually get a hotel for sat night and spend the weekend out there. this is what i figured up:

$20-boat slip for the night
$100-gas for truck and boat
$100-food, drinks, ice

so, roughly $350 and that leaves $20 for fast food or whatever may come up. The only reason we do it that way is because my buddy usually splits the hotel room and gas with me so its not so bad. and the kids can sleep in the a/c.

sometimes we do day trips, those are easily under $200 just for one day.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 28, 2008
Re: How much does it cost you per boat trip?

You fellows get off pretty cheap campared to my bill....

Gas for truck and boat - $400-500 a for a three day weekend to the river.
room- $250
Food and beer- $200
extra's- $100

That's for a family of five, for a grand total of about a $1000 a trip is what I spend every trip. This is why I most likely head to the river once a month only. But worth every penny of it when I'm there.;)


Lieutenant Commander
Feb 28, 2009
Re: How much does it cost you per boat trip?

You fellows get off pretty cheap campared to my bill....

Gas for truck and boat - $400-500 a for a three day weekend to the river.
room- $250
Food and beer- $200
extra's- $100

That's for a family of five, for a grand total of about a $1000 a trip is what I spend every trip. This is why I most likely head to the river once a month only. But worth every penny of it when I'm there.;)

thats what my dad has figured. He tows from SoCal to lake mead, and its about $1000 for 3-4 days, plus the day or two of missed work. still not bad though, try to go to a 3 day epcot center or somethin, im sure it will cost the same if not more.

I should have stated in my first post...i only have to tow about 75 miles or so each way, which cuts down on fuel for the tow rig.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 1, 2007
Re: How much does it cost you per boat trip?

Usually 20 gal. gas for boat, so $60-$80. Another $20 for towing and 10-20 misc. So usually $100-$120. A lot of times, people going with me pitch in so it is not as bad.


Jun 30, 2004
Re: How much does it cost you per boat trip?

Food- cracker, cheeze, salami- 10
Ramp Fee's- 0
Tow vehicle gas-15 (40 mile round trip @ 10 mpg @ about $3 a gal.)
Bait?- don't fish
Beer/liquor? - and pop 10
Bags of ice?- 5
looks like about 50 bucks. but ya forgot boat fuel. i usually do in about 10 gal. for an overnighter. so another 30 bucks in boat fuel.. so 80 dollars looks like the word..

me and the gf have been going out late afternoon on a sat. and staying overnight and leaving sun. when the crowd arrives early afternoon sun.. works pretty good..


Lieutenant Commander
Feb 28, 2009
Re: How much does it cost you per boat trip?

You fellows get off pretty cheap campared to my bill....

Gas for truck and boat - $400-500 a for a three day weekend to the river.
room- $250
Food and beer- $200
extra's- $100

That's for a family of five, for a grand total of about a $1000 a trip is what I spend every trip. This is why I most likely head to the river once a month only. But worth every penny of it when I'm there.;)

come on up and we'll do echo bay sometime. they got a decent little hotel there lol.


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 23, 2008
Re: How much does it cost you per boat trip?

Don't forget to factor in...
Gas $5
Food $5
Ramp Fee's $0
Tow vehicle gas $3
Bait? $6
Beer/liquor? $0
Cigarettes? $0
Bags of ice? $0

I figure about $19 the ramp is less than 4 miles away. Where we anchor and fish is about a 10 min run with the boat. If we tube or ski it goes up to about $70

Gary H NC

Fleet Admiral
Dec 1, 2005
Re: How much does it cost you per boat trip?

Fuel for the boat and tow vehicle....100 to 150
Snacks,sandwiches,sodas,ice.....about 50
ramp fees...0 Private ramp
swimming pool next to the lake,picnic area with grills,bathrooms and showers..0
overnight dock fee....0
If i take the travel trailer down then come back and get the boat add another 75 for gas..16 bucks a night full hook ups..

I guess a whole weekend would be near 300...


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jan 6, 2009
Re: How much does it cost you per boat trip?

Between drinks, snacks and food for a day it runs me about $60. The gas for the boat is about $50 for a day. My truck gets filled up for free thru my work (I take the boss fishing regularly so he is cool with it). So about $110.

If we buy beer and BBQ at the lakes park is about $70 more. We only do this when we don?t bring the kids and take other adults. The kids like to stay in the water the whole day and since I?m usually pulling them on the tube we don?t take any beer.

About once a week I go fishing alone or with my boss and use about $10 of gas in the boat.

So I guess it depends.
The family trip is about $110.
Adults trip is about $180.
The alone trip is only about $10.


Nov 17, 2005
Re: How much does it cost you per boat trip?

Put boat in from back yard, 11 gal gas for the day, $20 to $30 depending on the price that day, $1.50 bag of ice, make tea, $10 for sandwiches and chips, catch bait, no alcohol in boat, quit smoking. $40 to $50 bucks a trip. Only do 1 or 2 road trips a year, last one was about $250.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 28, 2008
Re: How much does it cost you per boat trip?

Red....Sounds good, I will let you know when I head out to Mead. Might be soon cuz it's about that time again!!:D


Seaman Apprentice
Feb 14, 2007
Re: How much does it cost you per boat trip?

I think I'm on the cheap side for a day trip, this is what it cost last week. Family of 4.

Don't forget to factor in...
Gas: $20.00
Food: $5.00 bring sandwiches/chips/pretzel from home
Ramp Fee's: $18.00
Tow vehicle gas $30.00 100 miles round trip
Bait? $0.00 been using spinner bait
Beer/liquor? $5.00 soda pop/water, no beer on lake
Cigarettes? $0.00 quit 10 years now
Bags of ice? $5.00

Total: $83.00


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 18, 2007
Re: How much does it cost you per boat trip?

Trip to lake is maybe 12 miles
Boat is already sitting in water (Boat Slip $40.00 A month) $1.33 a day

Food and drinks $10-$15 for weekend including ice.
Gas for boat around $10-$20 a day if cruising, Usually half that if fishing.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 15, 2009
Re: How much does it cost you per boat trip?

I'm lucky, the lake club where I boat is only 15 miles from home:), and the boat stays there, so I don't have to tow it!

So here are my boat costs, per daily trip, for my 4 member family:

1) Car fuel...$5
2) Club fee...$22.50 ($90/month membership including hangar storage)
3) Tractor fee...$5.50 (you can launch the boat yourself, but for this fee I let the tractor do the dirty work:D)
4) Food and snacks...$30
5) Beverages (sodas & beer)...$10
6) Boat fuel...$30

Total for a day of boating fun...$103 :)


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 22, 2009
Re: How much does it cost you per boat trip?

I would say around 100 buck give or take 20 bucks. This is for just one day and lake is only a half hour drive from my house. usally spend 5 hours on the lake,
Im going to another like this weekend which is 19 times the size of that one (saratoga lake) for 3 days staying up at the camp ill let you guys know how much I spend I just gas and food and beer.
I started having people through down on gas because of the economy and me at a lower paying job, **** I pay to have it fixed and bring it out for everyone y should I be the only one paying for gas.


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 22, 2009
Re: How much does it cost you per boat trip?

I'm lucky, the lake club where I boat is only 15 miles from home:), and the boat stays there, so I don't have to tow it!

So here are my boat costs, per daily trip, for my 4 member family:

1) Car fuel...$5
2) Club fee...$22.50 ($90/month membership including hangar storage)
3) Tractor fee...$5.50 (you can launch the boat yourself, but for this fee I let the tractor do the dirty work:D)
4) Food and snacks...$30
5) Beverages (sodas & beer)...$10
6) Boat fuel...$30

Total for a day of boating fun...$103 :)

By the way where you buy your soda and beer at? lol I think the most of my money is spent on the beer :eek:


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 4, 2009
Re: How much does it cost you per boat trip?

We have four nice size lakes within 10 minutes of our home (one is literally a few hundred yards from our house). Soooo......we spend about $40. Comprised of the following

$20 - Boat gas (usually about 5 hours; though some of that is beach time)
$10 - SUV gas (though we'd be driving somewhere else if not boating)
$10 - Food; wife makes sandwiches and brings grapes, nuts, etc.

Of course, I don't dare say what I've spent on other aspects of the boat. ;)

Actually, we're pretty much done stocking the boat w/all the "stuff" (we're new to boating) so most of the heavy bleeding is over. But no, I'm not naive...I know it's not a cheap hobby.